First Day On The Job

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I cleared my throat, feeling completely baffled by Asher's words. "He's such a weirdo. A hot weirdo, but a weirdo, nonetheless. Isn't he?" Kaitlyn says, making me jump in place as she stands behind me.

"What the heck, Kate! You scared the hibbies-jibbies out of me." I said, placing my hand over my heart and making her laugh.

"Hibbie-jibbies? What are we five?" she says, laughing. "Hey, guys!" Kenzie adds as she joins us, sitting next to me on the bench.

"What are we talking about, huh?" She asks, placing her book bag down and smiling.

"Asher Slate. Bay's new Prince charming." Kate says, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh... Asher. He's hot, so much better than Liam if you ask me." Kenzie adds, making me chuckle. "Yeah, he really is," I admitted, sighing. He and I haven't really exchanged many words, but he seems like the nicest guy ever. But if he can make Bailey forget about dumb Liam, I am all for it.

Whatever he meant by 'rejecting me' I'm sure he said it for a reason, I won't dig into it because honestly, it sounded a little coo-coo but whatever.

Besides, Nate makes me super happy. He just has this way of making me feel complete. No one has ever calmed me like he does when I'm feeling down or anxious, and he makes me feel like I can do anything.

"Are the rumors true? I heard he decked Liam on his face the other night at the Wilkins party!" Kenzie asks with her eyes lit up and smiling.

"Dang, seems like the whole town heard about it," I added with a chuckle, followed by Kate laughing as well.

"Pretty much!" Kate said, shrugging her shoulders. "I mean, can you blame Asher? Liam was being an asshole as usual. I don't know why Bailey didn't see it before." Kate says, making us sigh.

"Yeah, we all tried to warn her about Liam. That guy is just never going to change. He's a player, plain and simple." Kenzie says, making me grunt, rolling my eyes. That was exactly what I was trying to tell Bailey the whole time.

Liam is one of the worst guys in this town. He's only out for his own benefit, he has never had a serious relationship with any girl, and as far as I know- he has never been in love with any of them. He just wants the same thing from each one, get them into his bed.

He loves seeing how they fall at his feet and loves seeing them begging for his attention. He's indeed good-looking, but he has the worst attitude. I don't like him one bit.

We talked for a while about Liam, Asher, and Bailey. In conclusion, we all agreed, Asher was a better catch for Bailey, and I hope they end up together for good. Asher is not just good-looking, but he is such a gentleman and I love that in just such a short time, he has managed to show me that he's willing to go far and beyond for Bay. He stood up for her after all, and that is a major point on my behalf.

We were so caught up in our conversation, talking and laughing away as we ate all of Kenzie's chips and drank my lemonade that I did not keep track of time. Before we knew it, Nate was walking our way along with Jordan.

"Hey, ready to go?" Jordan asks, making me look. I thought he was talking to Kenzie, so I didn't respond at first, then he asked again.

"Mia... are you ready?"

"Uh, me? Aren't you going out with Kenzie to the dinner downtown?" I asked, making him chuckle. "No. I'm working with you guys at the bistro," he says, making my eyes widen in shock.

"Wait, really?" I asked excitedly, making him chuckle. "Yeah. Nate told me you two were starting a part-time job there, so I figured why not join you guys? I was already interviewed last Thursday, and Mr. Patterson said I could start when you guys started." he says, with a bright smile from ear to ear.

I was really pretty nervous at first to start this job, knowing I didn't know who I was going to work with, but now that I will have Nate and Jordan with me, I feel a bit more at ease.

"Sait, the three of you are working at your grandpa's diner? That's not fair. I want to work!" Kate adds, making Nate chuckle. "You can always apply for a part-time. Grandpa is taking part-timers right now that the holidays are right around the corner." Nate adds, making Kate smile with enthusiasm.

"Cool. I'll leave with you guys then," she says, as she grabs her bag and begins to walk down the school bleachers.

And that is how all of us including Kenzie, ended up with part-time jobs at Nate's grandpa's bistro. We were hassled the first day, as we were bombarded with all types of guests, from large families dining for the first time from in town, to people visiting from out of the states.

We waited on tables, took orders, rushed plates in and out of the kitchen, and met the awesome staff in the entire kitchen, and the not-so-friendly ones as well. Because yes, there were a few Moody ones as well, like the night-time manager, the receptionist who kept smacking her teeth and rolling her eyes at everyone she didn't like, and a few waitresses who were not so fond that we were there working.

Of course, they were very friendly with Jordan and Nate. They loved Jordan and Nate, not so much us... the other girls. I wasn't going to act like the jealous girlfriend though. It's a small town after all, I'm pretty sure it was evident that I was dating him, and I know I have nothing to worry about. Nate has been the sweetest with me, and we have a perfect relationship that not any of these girls will ruin for me.

I just hope I can keep a happy face on. I need this job badly. The days are going by really fast, and soon all those letters of admissions will start to roll in. I need to work hard, not only in school, but here as well. I need to save as much as possible. University will not be cheap, and I surely will not ask my pops to pay for everything.

He's already done so much. The least I can do is work hard and make him proud.


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