Get Off My Case

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"I'm fine." Jordan looked away, sighing. He was obviously not ok. But, for the sake of class, I didn't push any further. I had enough of not having Nate no longer being in this class as it is. The class felt like it was dragging on for forever, since two weeks ago they suddenly switched him to a different class. He's super smart, and they had placed him in an advanced chemistry class from this one at a university level.

It threw me off that Dalia was not picking on me this time.

"OK, we have about ten minutes left for class, let's go ahead and put our things away. Jordan, would you be so kind as to pass these forms out to everyone?" Dalia asks, holding out a stack of papers to him.

He smiles apologetically, and stands up, grabbing the papers off her hand and begins passing them out. "Now, as I mentioned, I'm not sure when your teacher will be back, but he has instructed that these forms should be turned in by the end of the week. If you need any help studying for the test, please feel free to ask. I will be conducting an extra class after school for those who need extra help or tutoring." she says, making my eyes widen in shock.

This was news to me... it wasn't like her to want to stay after school and offer tutoring. She had never liked staying after school to volunteer for anything like this when she helped in our junior high years ago. I'm honestly impressed.

"If there are no further questions, you may put your stuff away and go to your next class," she says, making everyone smile, anticipating to get out. The class was awesome, but I can't help but notice Jordan was distracted all class long.

I have no idea how he manages to do so much all the time. He is literally all over the place. But today... he's just not himself. I grabbed my sheet, placed it inside my binder, and put everything back in my backpack. Then I got up, pushing my stool back and ready to leave.

"Mia, wait. You have the next class together with Nate, right?" Dalia asks, making me turn. I looked back and saw Jordan leaving. Dang it, I really wanted to ask if he was ok. I guess I will see him in a few minutes at our lunch table instead.

"Uh, yes. We have Calculus next, well, I mean, after lunch, you know?" I say, stating the obvious.

"Great. Listen, Andrea has not been herself lately. I know how she can be, and I know she will try to get under your skin. Just... ignore her, ok? I know there's been tension between Andy and you over Nate." she says as the last students inside the class leave, followed by the actual bell sending us to our lunch break.

"Tension?" I ask, sarcastically. If I cared to pay mind and attention to Andrea, I'd probably lose it. But the thing is, I had bigger problems to worry about than to care what Andrea thought about me. Sure there was tension, but I doubt it could get to a point I couldn't handle.

"Look, I know my cousin can be a bit overbearing, but, just try and ignore her, ok? She's a nice girl, she just... likes to be entitled sometimes."

"Really? Sometimes?" I ask, making her chuckle as she rolls her eyes.

"She is used to getting her way all the time. You're a smart girl, Mia. I see a lot of potential in you, don't let high school drama hold you back from doing your best. She hadn't gotten her priorities straight, but I know you are more mature than she is. Don't pay mind to her. Keep focused on your grades. Scholars will be hounding for the best these upcoming months." she says, making me smile.

I felt a bit awkward, but her words of encouragement were nice, nonetheless. She's right. I need to do my best. Unlike her family and Nate who are rich and have it made, I needed to get a nice scholarship to be able to afford the university I wanted to attend.

"Thanks, Dalia. I'll.... Keep it in mind." I say as I tugged on my bag strap and turned on my heel.

I made my way to the lunch line and smiled as I saw Bailey waiting for me. I hugged her over her shoulder and pulled her along with me to the line.

"So... where's lover boy now? I figured you were already sitting down having lunch with him?" I ask a bit relieved to not see Liam next to her. "Uh, we... we're not having lunch together today. Is it OK if I join you guys today?" she asked as we moved forward a few steps.

"Yeah, it's fine. Of course, it's fine, Bay, you're always welcome to sit with me. Are you kidding?" I ask, smiling at her.

Something was off with her too. Or maybe I'm just going crazy. Could be my monthly overstimulated hormones. Who knows?

"Thanks, Mia," she says, tucking a liar strand of her hair behind her ear. "There she is!" I hear Nate right before he makes me squeal as I am pulled up into a bridal position and he twirls me around. I can't help but chuckle as I hold him tight around his neck.

I land a kiss on his lips before he sets me back down, and he joins us in line. I can tell something is bothering Bailey over Liam, but if she's not ready to talk, I won't push it for now. We make small talk as Nate holds my hand until we grab our lunch.

Before I can take my wallet out, he pays for our meals, including Bailey's.

We take a seat, with the rest of our friends, but he is fast to interrogate Jordan when he sees him sitting down. But I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen.

"I said nothing is wrong, Nate. Why don't you just get off my case?" Jordan says as he throws his burger on his plate, making us silent. A few heads are turned, and the air feels so awkward.

I had never seen Jordan act this way with Nate. They had been best friends since forever ago. "Something is going on with you, man. Why don't you want to tell me?"

"I said I'm fine. Can we just drop it?" he yells, standing up, grabbing his bag, and taking off as he throws his food harshly in the trash can.

Nate grunts, closing his eyes and pinching the curve of his nose. "Nate... are you okay?" I ask, making him sigh.

"I've never seen him this mad. There is something wrong, and he doesn't want to tell me. It's making me worried, babe." he says, pursing his eyebrows as he sees Jordan walk away from the crowd.

"I need to go talk to him," he says, worriedly, looking at me in concern.

"Go. It's fine. I'll see you in class, ok?" I say, placing my hand on his waist. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I... I need to go. I'll see you in class, babe. I'll let you know what's going on, okay?" he says as he places a kiss on my lips, grabs his vag and takes off.

I don't know what the hell is happening, but I hope Amanda is not poisoning his mind to make them stop being friends. Their relationship has nothing to do with why she hates me. But I won't lie, she's getting to me. And I would hate to give in to her satisfaction and break down in front of her.

For whatever reason she hates me, I hope it doesn't hurt the relationship between Nate and Jordan.

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