I'm Not Giving Up This Time

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The silence was inevitable. We stood facing each other in silence for what felt like forever, though maybe it was just for a minute or two. I glanced out toward the water, seeing how the moon's reflection glistened over it. "Listen, Mia, I,"

I turned toward him at the same time he spoke, "Nate, I," we both apparently wanted to cut the silence at once, speaking in unison, making each another laugh.  He turns his body toward me, sighing deeply.

I hate to say it, but I want to be with him. I'm tired of pushing him off and making myself aside for someone else. Then I do something stupid like dating someone else to stop thinking about. It's bad- I know. But I guess I figured dating someone else would take him off my mind. But who am I kidding? The only one being fooled here is me.

"Mia, listen. About back there," he says rubbing the back of his head.

"I know you saw Andrea kiss me, but, I just want to clarify, Andrea and I are over. There is nothing between us. I... I pushed her away and let her know that I want to date you. I promise there is nothing left between us." he says, looking like a little kid trying to prove his innocence. I felt horrible for walking away without an explanation earlier. Kenzie is right, I need to stop pushing my feelings aside, and stop putting others before myself. This is my chance, but... I'm still not going to make it so easy on him.

I might as well have a little fun and make him sweat. I know, I'm terrible.

"I know, Nate. You don't need to explain."

"Mia, I'm serious. I would never do anything to hurt you, I swear. You mean so much to me, you know that." he continued, making my lips pull into a smile, biting my bottom lip. He comes closer, grabbing me by my waist and I softly place my hands on his chest. He feels warm compared to the air becoming chilled around us. My skin becomes shivered, making me give a small shake.

"Look I understand that you and Andrea are over, but the fact is... There may be a chance that you and her can get back together. You always have, and you know why? because there will always be a small spark left. You and she have a history together, a history that no one can ever erase." I sa, sighing. He closes his eyes, placing his forehead against mine.

"Mia, please... Believe me, there is no spark," he says, running his hand closer to my middle.

"Nate, I really want to give us a chance, but the fact is," I say as he grabs my hands and gives me a sad look.

"There are times when I can't even love myself. How can you expect me to know how to love you?" I say, but it's as if he doesn't believe me. Or maybe he can read my mind. Does he know I'm kidding? Is he pulling my leg by going along with me?

"And how do you know this won't work? Mia, you're giving up before we can even try. You're hurting me, woman. You're breaking my heart here." he says playfully, placing his forehead against my shoulder, and making me chuckle.

"I'm sorry... Nate, I'm not perfect. There are many flaws to me. Flaws that you may not like. I'm sorry, but I just." I say as I pull away. "Maybe we just need to give it time. We'll just have to wait and see. Only time will tell if we are meant for each other." I say as I cup his face and place a small kiss on his lips.

" I'm a little tired, and we have school tomorrow, so if you don't mind I'm going home," I say, pulling away and walking away from him. He's reluctant to let go of my hand but he does anyway, giving me his puppy eyes. "Mia," he calls out to me, but I can't stand it. I walk away quickly with a smile on my face. My heart racing like crazy.

I gotta get out of here before he catches up. I'm walking fast, feeling his footsteps behind me, and my heart beats faster and faster.


My heart raced with excitement as I see her walk away. The truth is, I am mad-crazy about her. I have been waiting on that woman since we were kids, watching her go from one bad relationship to another, dating losers and scumbags who fail to cherish her. Don't get me wrong, she's only dates two guys before me, but both losers, assholes who didn't know how to appreciate her.

I've been in the friend zone, getting rejected time and time again. Waiting on my turn to show her how much she means to me. I get it, I made a bad choice dating Andrea to fill the void of wanting to love her, but I will be damn if I continue to let Mia go.

She's just halfway down that dock when I take off sprinting. Just as she is ready to turn that small shack that holds all of the rentals for the lake, I reach out, grab her arm, and pull her back, spinning her around and making her crash her body against me. She gasps and looks at my lips. I know she sees my smile plastered on my lips, but all I see is how nervous she's become. Brace yourself woman, because I'm not letting you go this time.

My heart is racing, and my breathing staggered. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you?" I say it softly, grazing my lips against her. Her hands come up to rest on my chest.

I know she can feel my heartbeat. My eyes locked on her lips, making my lips pull into a bigger smile seeing how nervous she became. "Nate, please... I need to get home," she utters in a whisper, making me lose it. I love the way my name sounds on her lips.

"I'm not giving you up this time, Mia. Only a fool would give up on a girl like you." I say as she backs up until her back is against the wall, and I follow. Her head looks at me with that sweet innocence, and I seek the perfect opportunity to cave her in. This is it...I lean in, cupping her face, and kiss her. Her hands sl0wly hug around my torso, as I slowly tilt her head up, interlacing my fingers in her hair as I tugs on her strands delicately.

"I am no fool, Mia. I am no fool. One day, you'll say yes to me, and when that happens I will make it worth your while. I'll show you how good you are at loving someone else, that, being me of course, and spend my days loving you as well. You say you're not perfect...So what? Who gives a shit. You're not perfect. No one is. But I swear to you, that if you give me a chance... Just one chance, I will make it worthwhile." I say as I pull her closer.

I can hear her heart beating fast. Her eyes darken, and she bites her bottom lip. She shyly closes her eyes tilting her head away. God- she drives me crazy. I kiss her neck and her hands grip my shirt, letting me know she liked it. Before I know it, I'm lifting her, making her wrap her legs around me as I kiss her neck, sucking gently and making her gasp.

I know she's suppressing a moan, and it only adds to my excitement. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I have never been like this with other girls. Sure, I made out with other girls, and Andrea was eager to be my first, but she never had the same effect on me as Mia does. I could never find myself to be with another girl as I do with Mia.

She drives me insane, and I just know she's going to be the end of me. Mia is different. She sees me for who I am, she's special and makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. I want to make her proud and show her to be proud of herself. Teach her how to love herself, and learn that she is valuable. If I have to... I will spend my life teaching her how to.

"Does this mean, yes?" I say as I pull away. Her chest rises up and down as she tries to catch her breath. "I...um..." she utters, making me chuckle.

"Y...yes," she says, making me Damm happy. I smile brightly, kissing her again, this time... I don't hold back. I kiss her, deepening our kiss and tasting her sweet lips.

"Baby I swear you drive me wild. I swear... I will not let you down. You're mine now, Mia. Mine." I say, making her giggle. Her laughter vibrates through me making me feel like the happiest guy in this damn town.


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