Sea Patrol: Pups Save their Pirated Pups

Start from the beginning

(the twosome work together pulling the net aboard revealing a little driftwood and a pair of scuba diving pups)

Arrby: Looks like we caught a little driftwood! (notices both pups) And a pair of pups!

Sid: Arr! (surprised) A pair of pups! (looks over finding a familiar face) Arr! We know that red wearing pup!

Arrby: (looks closer) Marshall? Is that you?

Marshall: (takes off his scuba helmet) Huh? (looks behind finding Sid and Arrby) (surprised) Sid, Arrby, what are you doing here!?

Sid: Arr! This is my ship!

Arrby: Aye! (curiously) Say, who's the other pup with you?

Everest: (takes off her scuba helmet) (looks around) (notices) (surprised) Pirates!

Sid: (to Marshall) So spotted pup, any chance you know this fluffy pup?

Arrby: (looks closer) Wait a second, you that same purple furred pup from when Ryder brought us together to handle that naughty inventor girl!

Sid: (surprised) Arr! So that's where you went that day!

Arrby: Yeah, that was kinda an unexpected day for me!

Everest: Just so you pirates know, I'm Everest and I'm with the Paw Patrol like Marshall!

Marshall: And Sea Patrol! Also we best be going!

Everest: (looks around) Marshall, how far did we go out to sea?

Marshall: (looks around) Uh oh! We're lost at sea!

Arrby: Arr! Both of you pups start swabbing the deck, please!

Everest: Hey! We're not your shipmates!

Sid: Arr! Then it's time for you two to walk the plank!

Marshall: (to Everest) Everest, I know you're not a fan of this, but we don't have our pup tags so we can't call our friends for help!

Arrby: Say what happened to your shiny pup tag anyway?

Marshall and Everest: (embarrassed) We kinda lost our pups tags when we crashed into each other in the ocean on an out of control turbo board!

Sid: Arr! Turbo board?

Everest: Nothing we should talk about!

Sid: Arr! Either swab the deck pups or walk the plank!

Arrby: (taps Sid's foot) Sid, could I remind you of something

Sid: One moment spotted and fluffy pups! (walks off with Arrby) Something wrong Arrby?

Arrby: Captain Boss Mr. Sid Sir, we don't have a plank for doing that!

Sid: (realizes) Oh!

(scene changes to Everest and Marshall having to swab the deck not having any other choices at the moment)

Everest: (to Marshall) So Marshall, you know them?

Marshall: Yeah! Me and the other pups encountered them several times! Including the time they took the Sea Patroller and me too!

Everest: (surprised gasps) They took you too!?

Marshall: Quite a story to be told matey!

Everest: (giggles) Don't go pirate on me, Marshall!

Marshall: (blushes) Sorry, Everest!

Everest: (giggles) It's okay!

(the twosome resume swabbing the deck as Sid sails the ship with Arrby supervising the twosome)

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