Chapter 10

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The figure blankly stared at the ceiling, ignoring the chatter around him as the delicious aroma of the plated food filled the room.

Then, their eyes shifted to the entrance as two men were led in, one taking a stand in a corner as the other one sat down.

Tokyo Manji Gang
Top Admin
Hanagaki Takemichi

"Which one of you assholes ordered the jellyfish?" Someone shouted.

"Damn, that's spicy! There's too much Sichuan pepper in this!!" Another followed.

"Hey! Where's the fried rice?!" A man scowled.

"First off, let's get this year's payment reports from each of you." A man spoke up.

"But I still want my goddamn fried rice."

Tokyo Manji Gang
Top Admin
Haruki Hayashida (Pah)

"Besides, we're still waitin' on someone else." He added.

"Quit whining, Pah. Just shut up and eat your food."

Tokyo Manji Gang
Top Admin
Yasuhiro Muto (Mucho)

"As for who we're waiting for, you mean Mitsuya, right?" He questioned.

"There are others who aren't here yet, dumbass. Now, where's my fried-fuckin'-rice? Can't keep eatin' without it!" Pah claimed.

"Hey, shit-brain! The fried rice comes last, you bald-ass idiot!"

Tokyo Manji Gang
Top Admin
Kawata Nahoya

"Huh?! Shit-brain?! Who do you think you're callin' a shit-brain?! Huh?!"

Tokyo Manji Gang

"Pah-chin's brains are nothin' but air, dumbass! And forget Mitsuya! Don't gotta wait on him!" Peh said.

"Yeah!" Pah agreed.

"Hey." The figure spoke up. "Shut the fuck up already."

"What [error] said. Would you guys quit your bitchin' already? Damn oldies." Another person said.

Tokyo Manji Gang
Top Admin
Shiba Hakkai

"Huh?" Mucho said with an irk mark.

"Oldies?" Smiley followed, equally annoyed.

"Hey, don't you get uppity with us, Shiba!!" Peh yelled.

"Shut up." Someone interrupted.

"Who do you think provides you meals in the first place? You don't even pay much. All you've got is seniority. Arrogant, lazy bastards."

Tokyo Manji Gang
Top Admin
Inui Seishu


"The fuck's your problem?!"

"What? Wait!" Takemichi said.

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