Chapter 1

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~July 4, 2017~

A figure dressed in a well-tailored suit walked down a hallway, the clacking of their shoes echoing around. Their half-lidded eyes boredly stared ahead and soon, the figure entered a room and found themself staring at a man.

The man spared no glance as he removed his gloves, fingers brushing through his blonde, slicked-back hair.

"I've done as you requested. He'll go forth with it once he's finished with tonight's event." The figure reported.

The blonde stayed silent, giving no indication of his feelings or opinion on the matter.

The figure turned and entered another room connected to the previous, shutting the door and turning the lock shut.

Then, they sat on a chair, staring up at the ceiling while absentmindedly spinning slowly. The sudden sound of an alarm went off and they pursed their lips, silencing it.

"Jeez..." They muttered, lowering their head and staring to their left.

Through the hanging strands of their hair, they could see a picture frame nailed to the wall, the image having been taken at what seemed to be a gathering.

The image presented 2 people, seemingly around the age of 14-16, and the two grinned widely, cheeks pressed together as they held up peace signs.

"Has it really been that long...?" The figure muttered, slightly squinting their dull eyes.

Just then, the sound of giggling was heard and the figure blinked tiredly, looking around the room.

"Playing hide and seek again, huh? You really like that game." The figure said, walking around the room.

"Wonder where..." They muttered before throwing open the doors to a closer.

Sitting against the wall with knees pressed to their chest was a young girl. She laughed and quickly stood, clinging to the figure's waist.

"You found me!" The girl grinned widely.

"Yeah." The figure said, patting her head.

A knock was heard at the door and the figure sighed.

"Tsumiki. Go ahead and go over to the next room." The figure told the girl.

The girl pouted before she nodded, quickly running out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

"Hmm..." The figure hummed, staring at the door.


~July 4, 2005~

The wind blew gently, carrying some stray leaves along the sidewalk where several people walked on, the soles of their shoes clacking on the concrete with every step. Somewhere in the area was a park, although, there weren't any young kids playing on the play set, due to the fact that they were barely leaving school to head home and finish homework, or there were some of them who stayed in school for after school activities or studying, even both.

Take note of "there weren't any young kids". There was a teenager sitting on a swing, gently pushing herself back and forth without lifting her feet off the ground. Clearly she too had just left school, based on the bag that sat on the floor near her and the school uniform she wore, which consisted of a beige cardigan over a white collared shirt, a gray skirt that was just above the knees, white leg warmers that bunched up at the bottom, and black loafers.

An addition to her appearance was the bandages littered on her knees along with some on her fingers and her elbows that were visible due to the fact that she rolled up her sleeves.

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