Chapter 10: Bruce Dalton

Start from the beginning

"June, I deeply apologize. I should have known that the hug might have been uncomfortable for you. I wasn't thinking, and I was wrong in that situation. I'm going to go get my stuff and leave. I will give you your space for however long you need-"

"What are you talking about?"

"You weren't uncomfortable?"

"The opposite. I felt safe, and you don't need to leave. You did nothing wrong."

I sit down on the barstool, my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"Then why do you look so worried?"

"Because I have a boyfriend. I have a partner of six years who I ditched today to hang with you. And I am confused about what I'm feeling. I feel safer in your arms than I ever have in his, and it's not good."

"I never meant for you to feel that way."

I'm in love with her, but that doesn't mean I want her to get hurt in the process of me being with her. I don't want to be in a relationship with her or pursue one if that isn't what she wants. I don't want to purposefully break up her and Westin if they are happy.

I can learn to live with just being friends with her. I have been. I'm trying to do anything more than support her.

"I know you don't, but I do. A lot is going on in my mind right now, and this is another layer of my thoughts."

"You should be able to get those thoughts out. If I'm not the right person, maybe I can help you find someone who is."

"Maybe," she answers with a shrug.

It's hard to see her like this. She's having a difficult time, and all I want to do is just take care of it all for her. Tell her that she shouldn't be confused and that she should be with me. I've been the one by her side for so long. I would give her anything and everything she wants.

However, this isn't about me. It's about her and what she wants in life. The person she ends up with should be someone who she wants to be with and they want to be with her. It sounds like common sense, but it's harder in practice, especially when life makes those things complicated.

She has to make this decision for herself, and talking to me is not going to help her make that decision. And, honestly, I don't think this is only about her relationship standing with Westin, I think it is also about Rex. She can't fully process what happened in the past two days. She can't even say his name.

Although I'm a smart guy and I'm willing to listen to whatever she says, I'm not the person she should be talking to about that. She needs a therapist or something to truly work through what happened. That's not something I'm equipped to talk through with her.

I want her to get the help that she needs to move forward. She doesn't have to move on and forget about it and leave it all in the past. I just want her to take that first step into healing. But that decision also isn't up to me. That's also up to her and what she wants to do.

I can't force her to make that decision I want from her either. I can't imagine being in her brain right now. I can't imagine being her right now. I want to be able to ease all her pain away, but I don't know how to help her.

This is so beyond the scope of what I can do as a human being knowing what I know in this moment. I have never had to support anyone like this before. I'm stuck.

"Is there a therapist in Westmoor or Grove Heights?" she asks me from her bedroom.

"Most likely. Do you want to give a few of them a call and see if they would be willing to meet?"
"Yeah, I think so."

"Do you want some space? I can leave you be for tonight."

"Yeah, actually," she admits, stepping out of her room and into the hallway so I can see her, "that would be great. I think I need some space."

"Alright, no worries. I'll grab my things and head out. Call me if you need anything."

I think I need to talk some of this over with Alpha anyway. This gives me a good opportunity.

"Be safe, Bruce. Don't get hurt if you do any Devil's Rose things tonight."

"I will, promise. Goodnight, ladybug."


I step out in the hallway of her apartment building and shut the door behind me. The building is surprisingly silent as I make my way to the main lobby and out the door to the street.

I observe this part of Grove Heights; the street lights flicker, cars slam on their brakes and honk at one another, people yelling at each other, cigarette or vape smoke filling the air, and all I can think about is how I wish I could save this place from crumbling. It's pretty damn gross what's happening here.

The police in Grove Heights aren't exactly cooperating with us. It's all fucked up because Devil's Rose just wants to help, not take over. It would be our territory in the eyes of other MCs and gangs or whatever, but that would make the place safer.

I heave a deep sigh and reach into my pocket to call Alpha. He answers the phone after two rings.

"You okay, Vegas?"

"Do you think I could come over to your house? I need to talk to you about something."

"Feel free. Persephone and I made dinner if you want to eat with us. You can help with our kids because we are actively losing our minds."

"I'll be there in a minute."

Vegas: Devil's Rose #9Where stories live. Discover now