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May 6th 2019, Girls college of Witch craft, 12:45 pm

Sneha stepped out of the car,"Bye, don't you dare forget dinner's at my home tonight", Sneha said to Jake,

"Yes teacher, sometimes I feel like a student again", Jake said and laughed,

Sneha kisses Jake and leaves,

After Sneha leaves, Jake stops laughing and starts driving,

Jake got a call, he picked up the call on his car's speaker,

"Late as always", Riya said in a sweet tone,
"I will be there soon, dear", Jake said,

Jake took a left turn and went forward,
In a few minutes Jake reached the police academy,
There Riya was waiting for Jake to pick her,
Jake stopped his car in front of the academy, Riya opened the car's door, she sat in the car and closed the door,
"How was your day", Jake asked (smiling),
"It was hectic as always", Riya said in a loud and tiring tone,
Jake laughed,

"Riya?", Jake asked hesitantly,
"What?", Riya replied and put her hand on Jake's shoulder,
Jake stopped the car on the roadside, took a deep breath,
"You're scaring me Jake", Riya said (worried),
"Will you marry me?", Jake shouted out loud,
Riya was shocked and surprised,
"You will, right", Jake said worriedly,
"Yes, you dumbo", Riya said and laughed,
Riya hugged Jake and then pushed him,
"What?", Jake asked (confused),
Riya softly hit on Jake's head,"My parents", Riya said,
"So, i will come to your house for dinner tomorrow", Jake said (calmly),
"Why not today?", Riya asked,
"Today, you tell your parents about me and tomorrow i will meet them", Jake replied,
Riya got a bit anxious, Jake saw her and held her hand,"everything will be fine and if you didn't, it will be your mistake that you didn't tell your parents about me", Jake said and laughed,
Riya got surprised,"what, you dumbo, you wanna play blame game, huh", Riya replied and softly punches on Jake's shoulder,

Outside of Protector Street West, 1:15 pm,

Jake parked his car outside of Protector Street, Riya opened the car's door,
"Bye", Riya said,
"Yea, see you tomorrow at dinner", Jake replied,
"Dinner?, You are not gonna pick me up tomorrow?", Riya asked,
"I will be busy tomorrow", Jake replied,
"Okay but don't be late for dinner", Riya said (smiling),
Riya leave,
Jake start his car and started driving,

5:10 pm,

Jake parked his car in pay and park and goes into a old alley, in that alley Jake knock on the door of the oldest looking house, an old women at least 80 years old opened the door,
"Who?," Old women Asked in a shaky voice,
"Jake Lanson, successor of James Lanson", Jake replied and showed the house keys to the old women,
"Come on, get in", old women said,
Jake goes inside the house and the old women closed the door,
Jake goes to the basement and stands in front of the wall,
"Magic circle, reveal", Jake uses a magic circle and a door appeared in the wall,
Jake opened the door and get inside, the door closes and disappear again,

Planet JUPITER, Underworld,

A society of criminals, established during the great war 28 years ago, maintained by magic Circles and spells around the Jupiter to make it habitable for living, even in the society of criminal there are rules,
First rule, no murder or killing on this land,
Second, criminals cannot fight among themselves,
Third, anyone can come here and enjoy even royalties,
Fourth, if someone breaks the above mentioned rules then that's not a problem because we are meant to break the rules,
Fifth, break all the above mentioned rules and live freely,
An Utopia for criminals,
Jake came out of the door and was in a luxurious bedroom, on the right side on the table there was a note with a black cloak, "wear the cloak", and the there was a another note on the cupboard "clothes for you inside", was written on the note, Jake opened the cupboard and there was suit hanging,
he changed his clothes and put on a black cloak and opened the bedroom's door, outside the bedroom a young girl was standing wearing a white cloak," master Lanson,i am liya, master Apateón have sent me to show you the way towards master Apateón's room," Liya said,
"Behind you", Jake replied,
Liya started walking and Jake followed him,
As Jake was following Liya on the hallway, the wall on the hallway ended and Jake saw a lot of people in grey, white and blue cloak, way down from where he was walking,
"What is this place Liya?," Jake asked (curiously),
"This place is our Cult's temple", Liya replied,
"Which floor are we on right now?", Jake asked,
"30th floor of the castle, master", Liya replied,
Jake was shocked,
"There are more floors, master", Liya said,
"Above is just the roof", Jake replied,
"No one can see the above floors from below", Liya said,
"Hierarchy", Jake said,
"Yes master, grey cloak have access to floor one to floor thirty nine, white cloak have access to floor one to floor sixty nine, blue cloak have access to floor one to floor hundred and black cloak have access to all", Liya said,
"Have access to all floors", Jake said (impressed),
"Not just the floor, master", Liya said,
"What else?," Jake asked,
"Us, your servants", Liya replied,
"That's messed up," Jake thought in his mind,
Liya stopped in front of a door,
"Master Apateón is waiting for you, master", Liya said and left,
Jake touched the door to open it, the door opened by itself and Jake got inside, he saw a massive suite with everything in it, Apateón was sitting on a sofa,"come in", Apateón said,
Jake walked towards Apateón,"i am already in", Jake replied,
Jake sat on the sofa,
"Access to all?", Jake asked and smiled,
"Yea, that's messed up", Apateón replied (disappointed),
"But that's not for us, those things are for investors and if you want you can too", Apateón said,
"Nha, i am good", Jake said,
Apateón leans forward,"You're ready?", Apateón asked,
Jake smiled,"yea," Jake replied,
"Good then we will finish her before 9 o'clock today ," Apateón said,
"Can we do it after 9?," Jake asked,
"Why?," Apateón asked,
"She invited me for dinner and her cooking is good", Jake replied,
"Hahaha, okay then 1:30 am can't delay more than that", Apateón said,
"We will take care of the cameras", Apateón said,
"There's no need for that today , i will use teleport magical Circles", Jake said,
"Security magic", Apateón asked,
"To reduce expenditure the builder didn't register the building in the magic security agency", Jake said,
"That's good for us, what about Riya?, You can't get inside protector Street without the clearance", Apateón asked,
"Family dinner", Jake replied,
"Haha, dinner again", Apateón said and laughed,
After a few seconds,
"I haven't seen him since that day?", Jake said,
"98% of the members didn't even know about his existence and that two percent are you and me", Apateón replied grimly,
"Being unknown between criminals is quite a feat", Jake said in awe,
"i will take my leave now," Jake said,
Apateón nodded.

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