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G.K. building, spellmarket West,
2:50 am,

"Teleportation magic circle is used to get in here, no signs of rape, murder weapon is probably a sword", Crime scene analyst Shivam Rao said to Raj.

2:45 Am,

Raj called the analysis unit as soon as he saw the head in the plastic bag and used a teleportation magic circle and teleported himself to the Spellmarket, Raj ran towards the G.K. building, Raj saw the watchman was on his phone, Raj ran fast towards the watchman and showed him his ID card,
"Head officer, flat no. 103", Raj shouted and ran towards the stairs,
Watchman follow him,
Raj reached the third floor and ran towards flat no 103, Raj tried to open the door but the door was protected by magic,
Raj took a step back and pulled out a circular-Shaped glass Vessel, Vessel size was as small as a single drop of water, he Heald it in his hands and said,
Raj used a spell and vessel broke and a purple sand like substance came out of the vessel and flow towards the door,
The door lock opened and Raj opened the door slowly and he saw,
A naked female body without a head, hanged on the wall with magic and on the wall a devil's head was painted with blood,
Watchman behind Raj saw it too and fall unconscious,
Raj didn't even notice the watchman falling unconscious, his hearing was almost lost, his eyes were on the body,
"Officer, OFFICER!!, RAJ!!!", Shivam Rao yelled,
Raj came to his senses,"yes, yes" Raj replied, his voice was shaking,
"Collect yourself boy", Shivam Rao said, he was worried, it was his second time saw a crime scene like this,
"Yea, i am fine, please go ahead and examine the crime scene", Raj replied and exited the crime scene,

Special forces breach office, spellmarket West, 2:45 am,

After Raj teleported himself, Vikas ran outside the building and searched the area, he found nothing.

G.K Building, spellmarket West, 3:00 Am,

Shivam Rao came out of the crime scene and saw Raj smoking near the window at the end of the lobby,
"Raj", Shivam Rao called Raj,
Raj threw his cigarette outside the window and walked towards Shivam Rao,
"Mr. Rao, what did you find?", Raj asked,
"Teleportation magic circle is used to get in here, no signs of rape, murder weapon is probably a sword and..", Shivam Rao paused while speaking and looked towards the crime scene,
"What is it?", Raj asked,
"Everything is exactly the same as 15 years back, The Devil summoning case",
Shivam Rao said in fear,
Raj looked at the crime scene,
"Thank you for your service, tell me if you found something else",
Raj said,
Shivam Rao nodded,
A police constable came and salute,"Sir, a man downstairs has asked me to give you this letter", Police constable said,
Raj took the letter and ran downstairs,
Shivam Rao followed him,
There was no one downstairs,
"What happened", Shivam Rao asked,
"It has to be the murderer or else who would send me a letter here", Raj replied and opened the latter,

"Hello my dear officer, sorry sorry head OFFICER, i know you have many questions in your head like,
Why did I kill her?
Who am I?
What's my aim?
and many more but the most important question is, how can a constable suddenly appear from?

Raj read the letter and ran back upstairs," Where is he?", Raj asked the members of analysis unit,
One of the unit member pointed at window at the end of the passageway,
Raj ran towards the window and found nothing,
Raj frustratedly yelled.

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