Odin Dies

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Chapter 33

When Frigga, Loki and Alana returned to the healing room. One of the healers tells Frigga that Odin was fading fast. Frigga went and sat down beside her husband. Alana tells Frigga, "I'm sorry. You shouldn't have performed the spell on me." Frigga answered, "Oh no my dear, Odin would have wanted me to perform the ceremony." Alana replies, "But if Odin dies then I will feel like I'm to blame." Frigga replies, "No Alana it's not your fault. Odin would be the first to tell you that if he was able." Just then Odin's vitals started to drop critically low. The healer said, "We are losing him." Frigga just sits there and watches as the healers try to save Odin's life but, in the end, Odin doesn't make it. Frigga drops her head and cries; Loki goes to his mother and consoles her. Alana also offered her condolences to Frigga.

Alana asks Loki, "Are you going to tell Thor?" Loki answers, "Yes, I am. I plan on going back to Midgard to tell Thor of our father's passing. Do you want to come with me?" Alana thought for a moment then said, "Yes, I would like to go back to Midgard." Loki said, "Ok then we will prepare to leave." Loki went to Heimdall to tell him that he and Alana were going to Midgard. Heimdall asked, "How long will you be gone, your majesty?" Loki answers, "Long enough to tell Thor about our father and maybe get him to come back home." Heimdal asks, "Is the queen going with you?" Loki answered, "Yes she is, Heimdall." In a few seconds, they find themselves back on Midgard. Alana said, "I never thought I would see the Avengers Tower again." Loki asked Alana, "Do you want to go back to Asgard? If you do, then I can handle this alone." Alana answered, "No, I'll be ok." Loki said, "Well, let's get this over with." So, Loki and Alana walked into Avengers Tower.

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