Loki Kisses Alana Again

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Chapter 18

While Loki and Alana were in the hallway, Loki said, "Well, maybe I can change your mind." Loki pulls Alana close to him and tries to kiss her, but she moves away from him. Loki asked Alana, "Why won't you let me kiss you, beautiful? You know how I feel about you, and I just want to show you." Alana answered, "I can't." Loki asked, "Why not?" Alana replied, "I just can't, that's all." Loki pulls Alana even closer and leans over to kiss her, but she tries to move away but this time Loki wouldn't let her. His lips came down on hers in a soft and gentle kiss shocking Alana. She tried to pull away, but she couldn't. As Loki stood there kissing her, Alana found herself kissing him back. Loki deepens the kiss; it went from a gentle kiss to a very passionate one. Loki slipped his tongue into Alana's mouth, taking her by surprise. Alana didn't know what to do but she instinctively kissed him back. Alana had never been kissed like that before and she liked it. Loki backed her up against the wall still kissing her, then started to caress her body. Alana tried to stop him, but she was enjoying it too much to make him stop.

When Loki raised his head, he looked deep into Alana's eyes and said, "I knew you felt the same way about me." Alana was speechless at first then she finally found her voice and said, "I don't know why I let you do that." Loki said, "I do. It's because you love me too." Alana looked at Loki and said, "No, I can't be in love with you because if I am then I won't be able to leave you." Loki smiles mischievously and says, "Well, you are. So, I don't guess you are going anywhere. Besides, only I can take you back to Midgard and I'm not going to do it. Anyway, you told your brother that you were in love with me, remember? So, how would it look if you go back to Midgard. Your brother would think that you lied to him, and he will never let you live it down. He will constantly have control over your life. Do you want that?" Alana thought for a moment and answered, "No."   

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