Confrontations and Explanations

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All right true believers. Here's the next chapter for Beast Wars Prime. Just a heads up, I only ever watched the first two "Bayverse" transformers movies. I know that a certain characters' portrayal probably isn't right, but I needed it for plot purposes. Note: edited 3/15/22

In his beast mode, Jack paced around the hangar they'd been hiding in almost since they'd got back. They'd won, but anything after that was drowned out by his fear of facing his mother. He'd not caught one word of Fowlers speech to the Autobots. Admittedly being thanked by the president and joint chiefs of staff via Fowler was cool, but he was too nervous to think about it.

"Jack, calm down and transform." Raf sighed, sitting against a far wall, examining his hands. "Optimus, Arcee, and Fowler promised to prepare her for the shock, but it'll be easier on her to see us in robot mode first since we still look like us."

From her place on a large crate, Miko, in her beast mode, snorted. "Yeah Jack. I think seeing a giant man-eating cat talk with your voice might not be a good idea." She jumped off the crate and transformed, walking over to him. "She might think you got eaten or something."

Jack snorted. Despite her worrying, he knew she wouldn't think that. With a sigh he transformed and wrapped his arms around himself. "I'm just worried about how she'll handle it. Bad enough I lied to her, but this?" He looked at his hands, so different from what he was used too, scars and details that were no longer there.

Miko placed her hand on his arm. "I know a thing or two about loopholes Jack. You didn't lie to her. Arcee didn't even lie to her completely. She'll probably be upset that we didn't tell her everything, but she'll be happier that you're alive."

Jack sighed. "I just hope she sees it that way Miko. Trust is one thing we've had since I was a kid." He shuddered. "I don't like the thought of losing that." He turned and wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the comfort. "Besides, I don't know which will be harder to explain, our new forms, or the fact we're together now."

Miko snorted a bit before letting out a laugh. "No matter the body, you're still you Jackrabbit. Only you would find reintroducing me as your girlfriend as hard to explain as us being used as Decepticon lab rats."

Raf stood up chuckling. "I think that we'll be fine. If nothing else we have the bots, and each other." He looked at the other two. "My worry is someone trying to claim us as property, technically we're not human anymore." All three shivered at the thought.

Any further musing was cut off as a series of rapid footsteps came closer to the hangar. "I don't care about what's happened to him, I want to see my son! I need to know he's alright!" Not two seconds after hearing that the hangars' human door opened to reveal an exasperated June Darby.

Looking around the hangar at eye level for her son and the other two teens she'd all but adopted, she quirked her eyebrow. Looking up she saw the three new bots standing before her. Two were a little over twice her height and the third was another few feet taller. "Sorry, Optimus sent me this way have you see-"

Her question was cut off when Jack crouched down and looked at her. Junes' eyes widened as she looked at her sons' new form. She let out a gasp as she brought her hands to her mouth. "Jack?" She slowly walked towards him. Reaching out a hand she cupped the side of his face as he nodded. "How?"

Jack took a deep breath. "We were kidnapped by the Decepticons after school before they fired that beam. They used us as hostages against the bots when they were on the verge of winning a major battle."

June nodded, Arcee and Bill had already given her an abbreviated version of the events that led up to that point. "Arcee mentioned that she, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead tried to grab you three when the exchange went south." Admittedly she was still angry that the three were taken, but ultimately knew it wasn't their fault. At that thought she gave a start, turning to the other two bots in the room. "Miko? Raf?" She said looking at the other mech and femme.

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