"I think he willingly took a incredibly dangerous risk, intentionally disregarded my safety, yes. It's nothing to do with friendship, its a blatant disregard for regard for the safety of another driver." Piper snapped.

"Charles, would you care to comment?"

"Yes, Piper is entirely in the right. I made a reckless move intentionally, and even though my goal was not to harm her, I willingly disregarded her safety and my own. She had every right to be upset with me." Charles said, looking directly at Piper, "can everyone just let us handle this ourselves".

Following Charles' response, the press conference was ended, and Piper hightailed it out of there. Charles tried to catch up with her to clear things up, but she was too fast. Charles had been furious with himself, and even more furious with Xavi. He had been consistently firing code at Charles, telling him to forget everything else and protect the podium opportunity at all costs. He really did care about Piper and he hated himself for risking her safety. If something worse had happened then he would have felt guilty for months. Piper's friendship was important to Charles, and if he'd ruined that in one stupid corner, he'd kick himself.


Piper walked into Williams to absolute chaos. Alex was dying everyones hair with spray-on dye, and laughing maniacally. 

"You're turn, Pippy. Come on, take a seat," Alex said patting the chair in front of him.

"My hair is too dark Alex, it won't work," Piper laughed.

"Red heads are hot Pip, you've gotta let me try." 

"ALEX" Lily shouted.

"Oh c'mon, I'm just trying to convince her."

"Fine, I'll do it. But I swear to god, if you get spray paint on my white Dior skort, Jane in PR will kill you." Piper said sternly, placing herself down in the chair.

In 30 minutes time, Piper had entirely red hair. It was only after the fact that Alex told her it was semi-permanent, and that it would wash out over 5 or 6 days .

"You mean my hair will be red all weekend! I do not want red hair in Monaco!"

"It'll wash out by Monday Pip, Tuesday at best." Lily said sympathetically, "if it helps, I think it suits you."

"I have to go to an interview about women in motorsport with Lissie, Naomi Schiff, Natalie Pinkham, and Susie Wolff! I'm going to look stupid. I look so stupidly patriotic! You're lucky I'm wearing this black Dior singlet, not this blue team top" Piper growned, pulling off her team top, exposing the black top underneath. 

"Oooh, black eyeliner and red lipstick, OMG we can make you look so cute!" Lily squealed, pulling Piper behind her to quickly touch up her makeup.

"Okay, you're set!" Lily said clapping her hands, "Have you spoken to Charles yet?"  Piper shook her head. "Pippy, come on. You need to talk to him."

"I know, I know. I plan on it, I just haven't got round to it yet." Piper muttered.

"Go talk to him after the interview" Lily demanded. 

"Mhm, mhm. I have to go or I'll be late"

"Talk to Charles, Piper!" Lily shouted as Piper walked out the door.


"Hi, is Charles here?" Piper asked at the door of Ferrari.

"Yes, as long as you don't murder him." Carlos laughed coming into view, "Ooo red hair, are you switching teams?"

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