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Come to my room


Why not?

Okay, be there in five

Piper yawned to herself. Her plan that night was to stay in bed and watch movies. That was her favourite way of celebrating. So she put on her ugg boots and slugged out of her room. "Lawson you better have a damn good reason for getting me out of bed" she said banging on his door. "Hello to you too, Speedy" Liam laughed opening his door. "You look nice" Piper said motioning to his outfit. "You look, uh, not nice"he said with a chuckle. "Well I was watching a movie until you demanded my presence." she mumbled stepping into the room. "Hey Piper," Jüri said from the edge of Liam's bed. Piper smiled, before glaring at Liam as she realised there were a group of boys in his room. "You did not tell me there were people here" she said while gesturing to her clothes. "We're going to the bar for a drink and you're coming. There's a dress in the bathroom for you." Liam said pointing to the bathroom. "I hate you," She said before walking past him and into the bathroom to change. At least the dress was comfy, she thought. "Hallelujah, she's human." Liam shouted as she walked out of the bathroom.  "Okay, speedy, this is Jack Doohan, and that's Felipe, Clem's team mate, and you already know Jüri". Piper nodded hello.  "Li, do you have shoes I can wear? I don't think I can wear uggs to a bar." Jack laughed, "I would, rep the aussies. There's too many of your lot now". Liam through Piper a pair of white trainers and socks. "Doesn't she need to wear heels?" Felipe asked confused. "No, one thing I've learnt living with Liam, is do not make piper wear heels if you go out drinking." Jüri said before holding up counting on his hand, "One, she's like a baby deer after three drinks, like she can't walk in heels, and more importantly, two, she can use them as a deadly weapon." Piper laughed loudly before clapping her hands, "Lets go! I don't have my wallet so drinks on Liam?'


Jüri drunkenly grabbed onto Felipe, "I just came up with the best joke," he said once he got his attention, "why were Piper, Jack and Liam disqualified from the last race?" He paused as the others turned to listen. 

"Why Jüri?" Felipe asked. 

"Because they are Australian and drive the wrong way round the track."

Piper and Liam immediately exploded, arguing how they were not australian and that Jüri could fuck off. Jüri couldn't hold in his laughter. "What the hell is going on over here?" an unknown voice said.

 "Arthur, where am I from?" Liam asked frustrated. 

"Uh, Narnia... wait no, New Zealand!", the guy, Arthur replied.

 "Thank you! New Zealand, Jüri, not Australia, know your facts!" Piper drunkenly giggled while pulling the finger, "I'm Piper by the way" she said extending her hand to Arthur. The monegasque took her hand and shook it before Piper felt an arm over her shoulders.

"Pippy, what're you doing here!" 

"Hello to you too Alex" Piper smiled. 

"You know Alex?" Arthur said laughing.

"Yes, do you?" Piper asked slightly confused.

"Pippy, this here chucky's little brother" Alex laughed

"And Chucky is?"

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