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"Emma, seriously, just don't talk to me, please," Piper said, walking away from her friend. She had her head in her hands after having two terrible FP sessions. In FP1, she only got two laps in before the team retired the car because of a technical issue. That had annoyed her, but FP2 had sent her over the edge. She had managed to lose the rears and taken Alex out at the same time. So essentially, in one snap, she had cost Williams a lot of money and had fucked Alex over. 

"Piper, don't be ridiculous. You've had a shit day, let's not scrap about it."

"I'm not scrapping Em, I just don't want to fucking talk right now." Piper stormed away towards the F2 paddock. She was completely ignoring fans and dodging reporters. 

"Hey Pip, shit day?" Liam sadly smiled as she approached him. 

"Yup, where's Armstrong? I feel like an argument."

"In the trailer, I'd assume." Liam pointed towards the Hi-tech garage.

"Thanks." Piper said shortly, heading in the direction he pointed.

"Sup Alex." Marcus called once the girl was in his line of sight. 

"Trailer. In. Now." She grumbled, walking straight through the door.

"Fuck. What's wrong." Marcus said closing the door behind him.

"I'm just gonna scream for a minute and then I'm gonna cry, and then I'm gonna need you to hug me."


"Okay." She took a deep breath. "I'M SO SHIT. WHY AM I SO SHIT. I MIGHT HAVE JUST FUCKED MY CHANCES FOR THE WEEKEND. AND ON TOP OF THAT I MIGHT HAVE FUCKED ALEX UP AS WELL." She was running out of breath, but continued on, until the screams turned into sobs. "My dad was right marcus, he was right. I don't belong here. I should have listened to you when we were little. When you told me girls aren't meant to be here."

Within seconds Marcus wrapped his arms around the small shaking girl. "Hey, hey, Pip, it's okay. You know none of that is true. You are meant to be here. Fuck, you are better than me and Liam could ever be. Plus your dad's a cunt." He looked down at the girl. "Pip, you look like you're going to faint, you need to lie down. Here, lie here." Marcus pulled her down so they were lying beside each other on the couch. He just held her while she cried, for a good 30 minutes. The girl just went silent, with her head on Marcus' chest.

"You haven't been sleeping well, aye?" Marcus asked quietly. Piper just shook her head. "And you probably aren't eating enough." 

"Probably not."

"So you have no energy. No wonder you've been having a bad day. Just close your eyes, have a nap. We can stay here as long as you need."  Marcus said softly holding the girl softly, and leaning his head back.

Piper slept for two hours, while Marcus lay there next to her, playing games on his phone as the room slowly grew darker. Liam had texted him to check if he was still alive. Emma had texted asking whether Piper was with him, which he replied yes to. It was clear to Piper's three best friends that she was incredibly frustrated and it tanking her, physically and emotionally. She was very clearly feeling the pressure, and even if they knew she could do it, they couldn't stop her from not trusting herself. Marcus had just watched his phones clock hit 6:35, when the trailer door flung open. Juri strolled in followed by Clem and Felipe, making a considerable amount of noise as they turned the lights on. All three stopped in their tracks, Marcus throwing the closest thing (a water bottle) directly at Clem trying to get him to leave. However, this movement had made Piper sit bolt upright. She looked around startled, like a deer in the headlights.

"Oh shit, sorry man, I didn't know you were in here." Juri said timidly.

"Yeah mate, we didn't mean to interrupt" Clem laughed.

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