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"LIAM" Piper screamed running down the paddock.

"LIAM, WHERE ARE YOU" She screamed rounding the corner into Alpha Tauri.

"Woah, Piper, slow down," Pierre said grabbing hold of her.

"Sorry, sorry, have you seen Liam" She gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"I'm right here! What's going on speedy?" Liam answered, appearing next to Pierre. 

"Emma, Emma, it's Emma!"

Pierre's eyes went wide, "Emma, is she okay? I'm going to check on her!"

"No, no, Pierre! Not Emma Emma. Emma and Cleo from H2O"

"No fucking way!" Liam gasped.

"I feel like I'm missing something," Pierre said sounding confused.

"No time, we have to go find Marcus" Piper said waving him off.

"He'll be in the Paddock Club with James and Clem."

"C'mon, c'mon, if we know where he is what are we waiting for," Piper said running out the door. Liam raced after her and Pierre followed purely out of curiosity. Piper sprinted up the stairs of the Paddock Club two at a time. "Marcus Armstrong! We have to go, like right now!" Piper called the second she saw him.

"What the fuck Alex, why?"

"H2O, Emma, Cleo, coming to Williams in 10 minutes, want to meet me!"

"HOLY SHIT! What're we standing around for" James jumped up, grabbing Marcus, and they all poured out the door.

"Guys, what the hell is going on" a bewildered Charles called blocking there path.

"They've been screaming for like five minutes, I can't work out why." Pierre said trying to catch his breath.

"Just my childhood heroes coming to visit me! Have you guys never seen H2O just add water?"  Piper cried, trying to get around Pierre.

"What the hell is that?" Pierre asked.

"OMG, seriously!" Piper moaned exasperated, "Charles, please, I'm begging, get out of my way!" Piper looked at Charles with the softest eyes, and he melted, shifting out of her way immediately. Piper broke out in the biggest smile, leaning up and kissing Charles on the cheek, "Thank you Charlie Boy, you're the best!" Piper, Liam, Marcus and James left the stunned francophones behind, tearing off towards Williams.

"What just happened," Charles said, scratching his head.

"Mhmm, I was about to ask the same thing," Pierre laughed smirking, looking at his bemused friend.


"Piper, oh my goodness! It's so nice to meet you" Clare Holt said hugging Piper. Piper just stared wide-eyed, looking at Clare Holt and Pheobe Tonkin, aka Emma and Cleo. 

Liam stepped up next to her, "Sorry, she's a little in shocked. She was obsessed with you when we were little." 

"That's so sweet! It's okay, we're just normal people. And if it makes you feel better, we think you're pretty cool too."

"Do you want to sit in my car?" Piper blurted out.

"Smooth, Alex," Marcus snorted.

"No, that would be really cool!" Clare said enthusiastically, putting her arm around Piper, "Will you show me how it works?" Piper just nodded. 

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