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Piper was now sitting in Daniel's hotel room with Daniel and Seb. She explained to them about her anxiety. The two men were sat there, looking at her.

"For someone so little, you sure do carry a lot." Daniel said softly.

Piper laughed, "That's not even all of it. There's stuff with my father and grandfather as well."

"Would you want to talk about it?" Seb asked from his place on the sofa. 

"Well with grandpa, I guess I just feel this pressure to be as good as him. To not let him down, and to live up to his legacy. You know, he was so amazing, and I'm just me. What if I let him down."

"Not that either of us knew him, but he seemed like a good bloke. I don't think he would be disappointed in you, even if you weren't an F1 driver. Why do you think like that?" Daniel asked.

"My father would always say, 'you'll never be as good as him, so why even bother' and I guess that just stuck."

"Is that why you aren't close anymore?" Sebastian's face had grown more stern.

"I don't know, he was just never happy for me. He told me to decline my spot in W series. He said 'Women don't belong in the sport'. He was never really that fatherly to me. I've never had a father figure that made me feel loved, or worthy, or accomplished."

"That's bullshit"

"Daniel" Seb snapped

"No I mean, the fact he made you feel like that" Daniel quickly backtracked.

"Oh, then I agree. If I could take his place little one, I would. You are a phenomenal driver, a phenomenal young woman, and you deserve everything you've worked so hard to achieve." Seb said softly, smiling at the young girl, who once again had tears in her eyes.

"May I say something," it came out as barely a whisper but both men nodded for her to continue. "You two have acted more fatherly to me in the last few hours then he ever has." Both men smiled.

"I'm too young to be your father. Can I be a cool uncle..." Daniel laughed.

"You're only two years younger than me, and I feasibly am old enough to be her father. I would have been sixten when she was born?" Sebastian laughed

"What the hell were you doing at sixteen!" Daniel's laughter was so infectious that even piper laughed.

The three stayed up for another hour talking before Seb, who was now proudly Piper's self-appointed paddock dad, announced it was time for bed. Piper faltered at the door. "I already decided I was sleeping on the sofa in your room, Piper. If that's okay with you?" Seb said, putting his hand on her upper back. Piper nodded. She had been scared to be alone. What if something happened in the night?


Nothing happened overnight, and Piper's alarm clock woke her up at 12. Next to it was a note from Seb, saying that he had left at 10 for a meeting, but to text him if she had a panic attack or anything, with his number at the bottom. Piper smiled and got up, getting ready to head to the track where Emma was undoubtedly freaking out.

Piper got ready at lightning pace, within 20 minutes she was in the car and had Emma on the phone. 

"I thought you'd been kidnapped or something"

"No, I just overslept."

"I know, Seb came and found me 10 minutes ago because I was screaming up and down the paddock. I can't believe you had a cute sleepover without me!"

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