Chapter 8 - Mom Voice

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February 12th, 2010, 3:43 A.M.

We were all finally starting to gather in the garage beneath the mansion as Dean and Griffin loaded up the trunk with various weapons since we didn't know what we were about to walk into and were trying to prepare ourselves for anything. I was now wearing tight dark blue jeans with a fitted white tank top and white and orange plaid flannel hanging loosely around me with black combat boots, my hair pulled back into a low ponytail and wearing makeup for what felt like the first time in months.

I hadn't realized how long it had been since I had gone out into the outside world, and a part of me was afraid of what I would see given all the reports of the destruction that not only happened across the country, but across the globe as they just started to rebuild.

I stood nearby and watched as Griffin and Dean began to bicker back and forth, sucking on a cherry lollipop when Mandy came up behind me, shaking her head, "I really hope it's not gonna be like this for the next twenty-three hours? Or... Probably more, if some of the main highways are still out? And, hopefully most of the fast food joints are still open too or we're gonna have to survive on beef jerky and trail mix?"

I stopped, looking back at her and furrowing my eyebrows as I took the sucker out of my mouth, "Wait, what? You're telling me I have to share the backseat with you and Griffin for the next day and a half pretty much?"

Mandy narrowed her eyes a little when I shook my head, "I'm mostly talking about Griffin, but you know what I mean? I was just cooped up in a house for a month, and now I have to be cramped up in a car for a whole day? This just keeps getting better and better?"

Sam came through the back door with a small duffel over his shoulder, looking a little more refreshed but still sporting visible cuts and bruises on his face with his expression already set into an unamused look as he watched the fight unfold between Griffin and Dean.

"Griffin- I swear to god, if you say one more thing about my gimpy leg, I'm gonna shove it up your gimpy ass!"

"You wanna go? Let's go, Hasselhoff. Right now-"

Sam stopped nearby me, letting out a sigh as we both watched Dean and Griffin go back and forth, "This is gonna be pleasant?"

I raised my eyebrows and shrugged in agreement, looking back at him and shaking my head, "Not with an attitude like that? I mean, I know we're all a little on edge-"

"A little?" added Mandy as she watched Dean and Griffin with a slight smirk.

I glanced back, shaking my head and rolling my eyes, clenching my jaw as I felt a wave of anger wash over me, "Alright, that's it."

I stepped forward, lifting my fingers to my mouth and sounding a loud whistle that echoed through the large garage and causing them both to stop in place and look back at me.

I raised my eyebrows, giving them both a look, "You're both pretty, boys. But we gotta get this show on the road, and we're not gonna even make it there if we all keep acting like this?"

Griffin made a face, glancing back at Dean, "He started it. I was just trying to help-"

"You're being a control freak. You're even worse than Sam-"

The Master's Tale - Abandon All Hope, Book 1, Part 6Where stories live. Discover now