Chapter 3 - Fractures

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February 11th, 2010, 10:42 A.M.

The infirmary back at Bobby's mansion was brightly lit with the warm late morning sun shining even through the thick white and sheer white curtains drawn halfway over the tall gothic windows above the counter. I was lying back, asleep on the tall cot on the other side of the room with an IV hooked to my arm, and wires coming out of my shirt and leading back up to a monitor, letting out a soft and constant beat along with the rhythm of my heartbeat.

Sam was also passed out from exhaustion finally catching up to him, leaning over from his chair and sleeping on top of his crossed arms on the side of the bed with his head resting on the outside of my hip and his face turned away from me, his shoulders rising and falling slowly as he slept. He was still wearing the same dirty and bloody gray tee he had been wearing since it all began and had not even stopped long enough to really get cleaned up besides doing the best he could to wash his hands and face, bouncing from one task to the other without any rest in between.

This was the first time he had been able to stop in almost seven hours straight, and even then he fought it, wanting to be awake to keep a watchful eye on me.

My consciousness came back gradually, noticing first the bright light filling the room even with my eyes closed and feeling the weight of my body against the bed, and the weight of something else resting against my hip.

I swallowed weakly, fluttering my eyes open and blinking the exhaustion away as the room began to come into focus, quickly realizing I was in Bobby's infirmary with Sam's sleeping body almost on top of my lap. I stared down at the back of his head, noticing the dirt and scuff marks on the back of his shirt and across wide shoulders, then noticing the cuts on the back of his hand over his knuckles underneath his arm.

I slowly started to lift my hand up off the bed from my side, reaching out and lightly touching his hand as I closed my eyes, attempting to heal him while waiting for the familiar icy feeling to come from my fingertips. I kept my eyes closed, trying to get my brain to work with me when I opened my eyes, lifting up my hand and staring down at my palm when another terrifying thought started to come to my mind.

I looked back across the room, finding a small bottle of disinfectant sitting on the counter and narrowed my eyes as I tried to use my mind to move it towards me or even slide it across the counter at all, but it wouldn't budge.

The beeping sound coming from the monitor started to accelerate as panic reared its ugly head in the back of my throat again, lifting my hand and trying to use whatever strength I had left to do anything but nothing happened.

A sinking pit returned to my chest as the realization hit me that my powers were no longer working, my breath starting to shake as I pulled my hand back, shaking my head and breathing out, "No..."

I lifted my other hand, looking down at my lap as tears started to fill my eyes, shaking my head and throwing my hands out in front of me as I desperately tried to make anything happen, "No, no, no, this can't be happening-"

Sam started to stir on the side of the bed, his eyes eventually opening as he pulled himself up, looking back at me and recognizing immediately that something was wrong.

"Cat? It's okay, Cat, you're safe-"

I shook my head and cried, closing my eyes and balling my hands into fists, "No! No, no, no, no-"

The Master's Tale - Abandon All Hope, Book 1, Part 6जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें