Chapter 5 - It's about Sam

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February 11th, 2010, 12:22 P.M.

I trudged my way back into the mansion through the informal kitchen when just then Griffin came around the corner, almost running into me when he stopped, "There you are. But... What happened to you? You're all... Wet?"

I made a face, shrugging it off, "I took a walk... Have you seen Sam?"

Griffin shook his head, shrugging, "No, I was actually kinda looking for him too? We really need like a P.A. system in this house or something."

I gave him a look, shaking my head when I stopped, "Does your dad have a bible somewhere in this place?"

Griffin furrowed his brows slightly as he shrugged, "He has my mom's bible? It's in his desk... Why?"

I let out a breath, shaking my head and raising my eyebrows, "You're not gonna believe this, but I just had a chat with the King of Hell? Apparently, God is still in the business of making miracles?"

Griffin stopped, giving me a confused look when I hesitated, mumbling to myself as I shrugged, "If you want to call cloaking the entire globe in darkness a miracle?"

Griffin narrowed his eyes slightly, shaking his head, "You're right, I don't believe you."

I gave him a look, raising my eyebrows, "Well, start believing. Turns out, all those years growing up in a Catholic orphanage didn't actually stick, so I need someone who knows enough about the bible to..."

I furrowed my brows, making a face as I remembered Crowley's words, "Give me a bible study?"

Griffin made a face, shrugging, "Well, I can't say I'm an expert or anything, but I remember Jonah and the whale? What does that have to do with Gabriel?"

I furrowed my brows, shaking my head, "Well, hopefully nothing? At least, not that part? I'm talking about the part where God turned the lights off."

Griffin's face eased up slightly as he stared past me, his face again twisting in confusion as he raised his eyebrows, "Are you talking about the ten plagues of Egypt? With like- rivers of blood and frogs falling from the sky?"

I shrugged, "Sure... I also might need to borrow a few books from your dad's library about scribes of God? You think he has any of those?"

Griffin started to grin as he shook his head, "I'd be surprised if he didn't? Again, I'm not sure what that has to do with any of this, but..."

He then smirked back at me, gesturing back down the hallway, "Walk with me, and you can explain everything on the way."

I nodded, starting to walk with him and making a face as I reached for my back, "It's gonna be more of a slow shuffle, but sure?"

Griffin slowed down a bit, looking back at me when he stopped, making a face and shaking his head, "Why don't you start with the part where you talked to the King of Hell in my backyard?"

We finally made it through the sprawling first floor of the mansion all the way back to the library as I continued to explain Crowley's theory about contacting a scribe of God in order to track down where the big man himself had gone.

The Master's Tale - Abandon All Hope, Book 1, Part 6Where stories live. Discover now