Chapter 7 - Nightcap

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February 12th, 2010, 2:11 A.M.

We finally made our way to the parlor just behind the foyer area as Dean helped me settle onto the couch, both of us doing our part to keep each other standing since Dean had likely messed up his leg a little more than he wanted to admit.

I settled against the back of the couch, making a face and groaning, "Ugh, Fuck me! I am so over this weakling human shit?!"

Dean stopped, giving me a look when I shrugged, "No offense?"

Dean raised his eyebrows, backing away with a limp and grimacing as he sat down in the nearby armchair, "Oh, trust me, you're not the only one? Truth be told, I think I'm kinda missing your healing abilities more than you are?"

I let out a sigh, leaning my head against the back of the couch and shaking my head as I raised my eyebrows, "It's the end of the world as we know it?"

Bobby then entered through the archway, raising his eyebrows a little as he glanced back and forth between us, "Well, good morning to you too?"

I stopped, lifting my head up and making a face, "Hey, Bobby, you still got a bottle of scotch hiding around this room somewhere, right? I could really use a stiff drink right now."

Bobby shrugged as he started to head towards the large bookshelf on the other side of the room, "I sure hope I do, unless Mandy stole it again? Unfortunately for us, the world is kind of on a shortage of booze, on the account that everyone thinks it's the end times? What I've got is what I've got."

I furrowed my brows, shaking my head with a slight smirk, "What, you've never made moonshine in your bathtub before?"

Bobby let out a chuckle as he reached into one of the cabinets and pulled out an ornate bottle of scotch, "Times are desperate, but not that desperate? Not yet, at least..."

I watched as he started to reach for a glass when I shook my head, "Oh, you don't need to-"

"You're not drinking from the bottle, Cat."

I stopped, making a face and sinking back onto the couch, "Fine... It's not like I just fell down the stairs or anything?"

Bobby turned around, handing me a glass when he furrowed his brows, "Did you?"

Dean glanced back at Bobby, nodding, "Yeah, no, she kinda did, actually. It's a long story."

Just then Griffin shuffled into the room, still looking half-asleep with a grumpy look on his face and wild hair, wearing a brown hoodie and sweatpants as he squinted at the light, "What the hell is wrong with you people? Don't you ever sleep?"

I brought the glass up to my lips, smirking sarcastically at him and shaking my head, "No, not lately. You get used to it."

Dean was busy looking down at his leg, making a face as he glanced back at Bobby, "Actually, Bobby, I think I'll take a drink too?"

Bobby turned back, giving him a look and shaking his head, "What am I, the damn bartender now?"

Dean hesitated, looking back down at his leg when Bobby sighed, shaking his head as he turned back around, "Looks like I'm makin' moonshine sooner than I thought?"

The Master's Tale - Abandon All Hope, Book 1, Part 6Where stories live. Discover now