Chapter 1 - Carry On My Wayward Son

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February 11th, 2010, 3:51 A.M.

"He has his father's eyes..."

The earth remained at a stand still, completely frozen in time with a dense darkness that snuffed out every bit of light and sound over the entire globe, with the atmosphere thinning and causing ice to form on the wet grass as the rain started to turn into hail and pelt the darkened house.

Sam used every last bit of strength to try to break past the iron shutter as he slammed the metal chair legs against the back door blindly, not even being able to hear the metal clangs or the sounds of his own desperate grunting and still running on base instinct to get back to his wife and child before it was too late.

Meg had now disappeared along with all of the hellhounds, leaving Dean alone in the dark house and frozen in place on the ground, shivering from the intense cold and grimacing in pain from his deep wounds in his chest and the back of his right leg. Mandy's body was still laid out in the front lawn of the house, completely unconscious as her wet skin and hair began to grow ice crystals on it and she became semi-frozen to the wet ground around her.

Even miles away, Bobby and Griffin were stopped on the side of the road in silence and complete darkness as panic started to overtake Griffin because he could no longer hear anything, even his own father's voice shouting at him from the driver's seat as his mind slipped into a flashback overseas.

Billions of people all spread over the earth groped around blindly or sat frozen still in the dense darkness, silent cries on their faces or grasping onto their loved ones for dear life. Planes fell out of the sky without a sound after the world lost power, the magnetic fields becoming completely dormant and the currents in the ocean came to a complete stop.

The world descended into chaos in the dense, overwhelming pitch-black darkness all around me as I laid on the exam table underneath the house where it all had just taken place, just barely holding onto consciousness as the horrifying scene played over and over in my head with the heart-wrenching cries of my newborn son, Gabriel.

"He has his father's eyes..."

Sam's strength finally started to wane as he sank against the backdoor of the house, the metal chair slipping from his hands with short, shallow breaths heaving from his chest as finally started to feel the panic and adrenaline buzzing through his entire body, also now realizing his hands were numb. His legs began to give out, dropping to his knees and falling forward, shivering violently as he sank into the throws of a panic attack and barely held onto consciousness with his heart racing inside his chest.

Gradually, the sound of his own rapid heartbeat and trembling breaths started to sound in his ears as the darkness finally began to lift and the storm died down as the earth began to rotate once again, gravity returning to normal and pulling everything closer to the ground and reactivated the earth's magnetic fields as the ground shook slightly beneath the foundation. The air started to warm up again with the night sky now clearing as the moon shone through the fading clouds and broken trees, revealing all the debris surrounding the battered house now. The grandfather clock in the living room finally struck 3:52 A.M. as the pendulum began to swing back and forth in the glass case.

Sam forced himself to blink, slowly bringing one arm up and barely able to lift his shaking body off the ground, his voice coming out as a choked whisper, "Cat."

The Master's Tale - Abandon All Hope, Book 1, Part 6Where stories live. Discover now