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We went to where the podium was and Charles got his trophy with Deacon on his hip. While they played the national anthem Deacon tried eating the trophy and Charles had to stop him multiple times. Making everyone laugh.I took a photo of the 2 of them and how Deacon giggled and clapped his hands when everyone cheered.Charles gave Deacon to Fred and got the champagne bottles , they waited for Fred to be away from them with Deacon before they sprayed eachother with it .

Fred came over to me and gave Deacon to me. "Hi my sweet angel" i cooed and he smiled with his 4 teeth."He's so adorable" Arthur smiled and admired Deacon. A photographer asked if he could take a photo of me Deacon and Arthur , he made sure the flash was off and took the photo and thanked us."I'm so proud of him" I sighed and looked up to see him laughing with Lando and Max. He leaned over the railing and blew me a kiss , which I did back.

He came down from the podium and kissed me again , "this wouldn't have been possible if you weren't here , I love you Cara" he smiled as he held my face in his hands.I pouted and felt the tears in my eyes , he chuckled and rubbed my cheek with his thumb and just smiled at me. I never saw a love stare untill this moment. "I love you too Charlie" i smiled too and his dimples popped out. Deacon squealed grabbing both of our attention."Are you happy Pip?" Charles asked and grabbed his son in his arms and tickled him. Making Deacon laugh loudly grabbing the attention of everyone around us.

I admired in awe seeing my 2 favorite boys laughing together and i saw how Pip tried to tickle Charles back and Charles just laughed making Pip think he was tickling him.We decided to go back to the hotel and on the way Deacon started squirming and he started crying , something smelled awful that made us open the windows.I pinched my nose closed and laughed."He ripped ass I swear " Charles laughed making me cackle."Its your turn to change him " I did nose goes and he groaned and shook his head."Best post race present" he chuckled while he made the turn into the parking of the hotel

We got out and i was cradling a crying Pip and Charles grabbed the baby bag and we went into the lobby and up with the elevator.When the door opened I got the room key and gave Deacon to Charles.I unlocked our room door and he went and changed Deacon immediately."Can we rewatch the race ? I want to see how many times you popped up this time" Charles asked and I sighed but agreed. Idk why he always rewatches a race after just driving it.I went to my suitcase and changed into short shorts and a sportsbra. I brushed my hair out and braided it loosely and took my makeup off .

I went to the mini kitchen area and got Deacon's food for him , I put him in his feeding chair and had to make airplane sounds for him to eat it.Charles came out of the bathroom shirtless with shorts on. He fell down on the couch next to me.When Pip finished his food , I burped him and held him in my arms and he played with my necklace again.There was a knock on our door and Charles went to open it up. Carlos , Lando , Pierre , Max and Daniel jumped him and roughed him up making him laugh.

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