3|hit to the heart🩵

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2 weeks later

These past 2 weeks have been going okay , LeClara wasn't that busy but the orders were alot , Charles and the boys landed earlier this morning and I can't wait to see them later today.Carlos won yesterday's race and I can't wait to congratulate him. Charles invited me to his house again saying they have something to show me. I have no idea what it is but I hope its good


I saw alot of expensive cars lined infront of his garage. "Looks like driving for Ferrari gives a pretty penny " Renee spoke up and I nodded and grabbed her hand walking up to the front door , ringing the doorbell. It's her first time at his house.It opened up and Charles was already in lounge wear he made way for us to enter his home. I saw all the drivers sitting in the livingroom infront of a huge tv."So the reason we invited you over Cara , is because we want to show you videos and pictures from before your crash that can maybe help you remember us . If it doesn't work its fine but it's worth a try" Carlos explained and I nodded with a nervous exhale.

"Worth a try" I repeated and i sat down on the beanbag right infront of the tv with all of them behind me .They played the video and it was Charles and Carlos first.

Her thoughts and drivers replies
Her flashbacks in real time

"Hey Cara , so we got people to make you this videos, this video will consist out of videos from all the drivers and some other videos I have from a few years ago " Charles explained and Carlos just stood there with a smile.

A small smile appeared on my face , its nice of them to do this much effort for me to remember them.

"Is the camera recording, Carla?"Daniel asked pulling a weird face at the camera and I laughed hysterically with a drawn out yeah.

"What you say we go prank Charles?" He asked as we started walking down the paddock.

"What do you have in mind Dannyricky ?" I asked showing the camera to myself

I held my hand infront of my mouth when I saw the exact Ferrari jacket I have on now. With the same Chaca necklace that I have on

"Holy mac n cheese balls dude , we're fucked if we get caught" Daniel laughed and I showed the camera back to him.

"I say holy mac n cheeseballs alot , and i know I heard someone say it i just couldn't remember " I spoke up not looking away from the tv

"Cara , Cara , Cara Lana wait for me" Lando yelled running with the phone and i turned out with the same smile I still use .

"Yes Lanny ?" I asked taking an airpod out.

"Wanna race around the track with bicycles ? We have 4 hours left before the race , say no and you're a boomer " he explained and I just nodded and took the camera and we raced eachother to get the McLaren bicycles.

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