Freya after Fred gave the strange device back, scrolled through her playlist and began playing her favorite track, starting with 'Horizon - Eat Your Young.' Placing her phone on George's night desk, she leaned in closer to Fred to grab the bottle, taking a few big sips before swaying to the music. She felt a surge of happiness. George and Fred observed her dance through half-closed eyes, thoroughly enjoying the sight.

The bottle was half-empty by the time the next song started, and she handed it back to Fred and George, letting them take a few more gulps before seizing their hands and pulling them to their feet. "Come on, let's dance!" she encouraged as the opening lines of the new song, 'King Mala - She's Calling Me Daddy', filled the room. Freya swayed and moved to the rhythm, and George grabbed her, spinning her around and matching her steps perfectly to the music.

Fred joined in behind her, placing his hands on her waist. The three danced harmoniously to the beat, their movements synced with the song. The taste of the whiskey lingered as they moved, their hands resting gently on her waist, creating a moment in perfect harmony with the music, occasionally whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

As the song ended, Freya, breathless, plopped down, missing George's bed and landing on the floor next to it. The boys, slightly tipsy, followed her like playful puppies, sitting on each side of her and chuckling at her clumsiness. Trying to reach for the firewhiskey in front of George, she realized she couldn't quite grasp it. Unbeknownst to her, she was so close to his face that she felt his breath on her cheeks, prompting her to quickly draw back. George, with a darkened gaze, handed her the bottle, and she took a few swigs, a few drops spilling down her neck.

In sync, Fred and George leaned forward, playfully kissing or licking the whiskey from her neck, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She took a sharp breath and sighed as they pulled back, resuming their seated positions. "Look, guys, you're both really cute, and I had a slight crush on you before," she confessed. Their widened eyes turned to furrowed brows. "But we just met," Fred said, puzzled. "Or did we meet before?" George pondered deeply. Shaking her head, Freya explained, "It's complicated, and it doesn't really matter. I've been in love with someone for a long time now," confessing with a bright smile as she thought of Snape. Knowing that nothing could happen or that the kiss from yesterday might be the only one she'd ever receive, her heart remained unchanged.

The boys looked at her kindly. "Oh, lucky man," whispered Fred, with George nodding in agreement. "But I'm curious, when were you into us? If I missed the signs, I need a solid punch for missing that opportunity," he growled, making Freya burst into laughter. "You couldn't have because you didn't even know of my existence," she quipped. They sighed in mock sadness but then mischievously smiled, nudging her closer. "So?" started Fred, "who is he?" continued George, raising his eyebrows in anticipation.

Freya let out a sigh, "I can't say his name," but before they could bombard her with questions, she raised her hand to quiet them. "Okay, listen, I'll tell you everything I can, but not a word to anybody," she said with an excited smile not waiting their response.

Taking a deep breath, she began, "He's older, not just a few years, more like a real Dilf. I'd call him Daddy if he'd allow it. He's dark, handsome, and incredibly caring. He does so much for people, the bravest and most selfless man I've ever known." Lost in her thoughts, she blurted out everything, her eyes shining. The boys were surprised at how affectionate she became when mentioning this guy.

Despite being taken aback by her affection for an older man, they teased her about it. "Daddy? Oh, you're such a naughty girl, Freya," Fred mockingly imitated in a deep voice, snapping her out of her trance. She playfully kicked him, saying, "Don't mock me. You'd say the same, he's so hot."

Glancing at each other, the boys chuckled and remarked, "We have our doubts," laughing at her expression.

They chuckled and laughed, continuing the night with drinks and dancing until the bottles emptied, leaving them drunk. "I usually can outdrink anyone," Freya exclaimed, hiccupping.

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