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Waking up in her new room at Hogwarts was a surreal experience for Freya. It took her a few moments to shake off the drowsiness and fully grasp her surroundings. Pansy Parkinson, her roommate, was the last person she expected to share quarters with. They hadn't exactly left things on good terms, and Freya contemplated the possibility of a fresh start with her in the morning.

As she scanned the room, she realized that she was alone. Neither Pansy nor any other students were present. Freya proceeded to change into her new school uniform, which fit her perfectly and gave her a sense of belonging.

Then came the moment she had been eagerly awaiting – choosing her wand. She had given specific instructions for a wand crafted from ebony, with a triple core of phoenix tailfeather, Romanian ridgeback heartstring, and kelpie heartstring. It was a combination she hoped would match the power and elegance of Severus Snape's wand. When she opened the box from Olivander, she felt a strong, magical energy emanating from the wand. Picking it up, it felt perfect in her grip.

A note from Olivander accompanied the wand. It read, "Dear Freya, I'm not certain if this wand will be a perfect match for you, but it's the best I could find based on your preferences. If it doesn't suit you, please feel free to visit me at Diagon Alley anytime to select another wand." Freya knew it was the right wand as she swung it and felt it respond. She was elated.

Quickly braiding her long, green hair into two neat strands, she donned her newly acquired uniform and left her room. To her surprise, the common room was empty as well. Panic began to well up in her chest as she picked up her phone and discovered that it was already 10 in the morning. She had overslept, and her day at Hogwarts had already begun. Freya hurriedly left her common room, making her way through the empty corridors of the castle, determined to catch up as quickly as possible.

Freya's hurried journey through the Hogwarts corridors caused her to miss her first class, Divination. Given her minimal interest in the subject, she didn't lament the absence of the class. She knew she wouldn't miss much, recalling scenes from the movies.

As she continued her journey, she pondered the possibility of taking Harry's place in the next class with Hagrid and Buckbeak. "If I take Harry's place in this class, will it affect the storyline?" she wondered. Regardless of the consequences, the idea excited her.

Arriving at Hagrid's hut, she was greeted by Draco and the rest of the group. Her smile lit up as she greeted Draco, and he returned the gesture. "Hey, Drac," she said warmly, moving a bit closer.

"Hey Frey, are you alright?" Draco inquired about her well-being, and Freya responded, "Ah, I overslept and missed the first class. Would you be so dear and let me borrow your notes later?" She added a touch of charm to her plea. Draco, looking rather smug, replied, "Of course, no problem. Maybe after classes, you could come to my room to... study." He raised an eyebrow, flirting openly.

Freya accepted with a flirtatious grin. "Sure thing, boo," she said before giving him a playful kiss on the cheek. She then joined the rest of the group as they headed into the forest, oblivious to the jealous gaze of a particular girl who watched her depart.

Freya immersed herself in her book on magical creatures, carefully opening it with a gentle caress along the spine. A smile graced her lips as the book yielded its secrets, revealing pages filled with fascinating information. She momentarily lost herself in the text, surrounded by the natural beauty of the forest.

Draco joined her and made an unkind comment about Hagrid, causing Harry to bristle with anger. But before a confrontation could ensue, Freya stepped closer to Draco, playfully tapping his head. "Hagrid is cute, don't be mean," she chided him. The onlooking students were left in shock, not just because she had dared to hit Draco, but because he reacted in an unexpected way.

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