Ch 4

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In the end of the tour she figured out which timeline was she dropped off. She was in the beginning of the third movie.  Dementors flying outside of the castle and everybody is on their edge because of Sirius. They arrived in the great hall in the end of the tour. Dumbledore was going forward through the tables and every head was turning towards Freya. She walked confidently through the asile while imagined what would feel if she came as a first grader. Still this feeling is priceless. Dumbledore stood up in the podium and started speeking. Freya stand a bit behind the headmaster and looked around with the similar faces. Tears appeared again in her eyes. She felt his gaze on her back. Severus's eyes was pierced on her every step, every breath she took, he observed and tried to unsolve her as she was an interesting puzzle.
- Freya? - she unfroze when heard Dumbledors voice. She looked up and saw that everybody in the room was holding back their breath so they could hear her reaction.  She shrughed her shoulders and said: - Sorry, i didn't catched that. - and looked patieantly at the headmaster. He frowned a  bit but repetead his question: - Will u please sit in the Slytherin tables? Later will your house master answer every question u have. - and he looked back to the crowd. - So Sev.. i mean professor Snape will escort to my chamber? - and she looked smugly at said professor. The students in the first rows opened their mouth in schock of her reply. Dumbledore didn't turned around when said a quick yes. Freya slowly walked to the Slytherins table and observed the peoples. She felt many eyes in her back but she focused only on the people infront of her. She saw Goyle and Crabbe and then of course Draco Malfoy himself. He was cute and when she smiled to him he blushed but made some space her to sit down.
- I'm Freya, nice to meet u - said the girl with a big smile and Draco shake her hand with a smug smile.
- Draco, Draco Malfoy.  Did u change school? How come that u missed the first classes? I mean you dropped in for poition for sure.. - said still holding her hands.
- Yeah, it was shocking isn't it? - laughed Freya
- I wouldn't say schoking but a pretty supprise for sure. I wouldn't see such beauty in poition class. - and he looked her up and down thinking about what she looked when she was dropped on that stool. Crabbe and Goyle nodded vigorously.
- Thank you, i hope our precious professor will think that too. - and she winked at him. Draco was too stunned to speak. But then Dumbledore voice echoed through the whole hall - Let's eat everybody! - and the headmaster gone back to his seat. Freya looked around on the table and that's when she realised that she didn't eat much the whole day. 20 minutes lasses by for sure whem she looked up again with a happy smile.
- Ahh, man! I was so hungry. - she leaned back and stroked her belly.
- We could see that! - a Slytherin girl said sarcastically them laughed with her friends who looked disgusted too.
- Bitch please, i'm happy that u can use ur own eyes but don't waste air around me. - smiled at her while looking deeply in her eyes.
- What did you just said to me?! - cried out loud the sarcastic pick me bitch.
- I said Don't. Be. A. Fucking. Waste. Next. To. Me. - said Freya slowly. The people around them fell silent so they could better hear what was going on. Crabbe and Goyle stopped eating and looked back between the two girls.
- Or what, mudblood? - asked she angrily lowering her voice.
Freya smiled. She leaned closer and punched her in the face still smiling. In a second more things happened. The hall suddenly became silent and then a second later everyone started talking at the same time. The slytherin bitch yelled and cursed while held her nose. Freya started laughing
- Don't fucking ever dare to pick up my parents on your mouth! - growled at her. The girl snapped out of her pain cause she started picking out her wand. - OMG - Freya pretended to be afraid - can u use some useful spells or are you just trying to look strong? - the girl was so amgry she didn't thinked clear anymore. How has it all gone so far? Freya didn't remember where it started she just lost her temper. The girl in front of her, started waving her wand. When she was about to attack back with her own hands somebody grabbed her waist. Everything happened so fast. Freya saw a steady hand and a rough voice - Capitulatus! - and the wand of the girls hand flew out. In that second she could feel the strenght of his hold, his smell. Snape's hair flew into her face while she was jumping towards the bitch. But when she realised who is holding her back calmed down. Snape came to rescue her, she was delulu from the feelings what ran trhough her. When the wand of the slytherin girl hits the ground, Snape dropped her. Freya was still fighting with her emotions when heard Dumbledore's voice.
- Miss Parkinson, come to my office immidiatley. The rest of the students go back to their chamber. - he turned around and leaved. The slytherin girl picked up carefully her wand and gone after him very quickly. Draco looked at Freya and then Snape whi nodded him to leave. With a one last peak he was gone with the rest of the students too.
- Miss Williams, will you be so kind and following me to my office? - he asked sarcastically. She looked up at him then frowned her eyebrows.
- You dropped me - scoffed the girl when she realised that she was sitting on the floor. His eyebrows gone up too when he said - If you will thanking me to save you from your faith young lady don't bother. Lucky for you you are not in other house. If you were in other than slytherin you will be going home but i will not humiliate my house like that. - he looked deeply in her eyes when he said the last words. - You will be in detention till the end of the year. Come i don't have the whole night. - he said then leaved without waiting for her. Freya stood up and hurried after him. It was so hard to not wandering around in the castle but she focused on her main goal: Severus Snape.

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