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In Professor Snape's dimly lit office, Freya, sat nervously across from him. Her first day at Hogwarts had taken an unexpected turn when she had a confrontation with Pansy Parkinson. Severus Snape had swiftly intervened, saving Freya from Parkinson's hex. His usually stern face was now etched with anger.

Severus Snape leaned forward, his dark eyes fixed on Freya. "Miss Williams, your behavior on your first day at Hogwarts has been nothing short of outrageous! Attacking another student, especially a Slytherin, is unacceptable. You nearly got hexed by Parkinson. Do you have any idea how serious this could have been?"

Freya swallowed hard, trying to gather her thoughts. She knew she had made a bad first impression, and she needed to make amends quickly.

Freya sat uneasily on a hard wooden chair, her eyes fixed on the cold, stern countenance of Professor Snape. The dim light cast long, dark shadows that danced ominously on the stone walls, creating an eerie backdrop for their conversation.

Freya fidgeted as she spoke, her words laced with a soft, seemingly innocent smile, though it did little to diffuse the severity of the situation.

"Professor, I really had no intentions of punching that Parkinson. She insulted me, and I just defended myself," Freya explained, her eyes pleading for understanding.

Severus Snape's eyes bore into Freya with a biting sarcasm. "I didn't care what your intentions were. There are rules, and as we've seen, your arrival here has already caused a scene. It isn't a good start," he sneered at her, his tone cutting through the tense silence in his office.

Severus Snape's tone remained cold and unforgiving. "It seems Hogwarts could benefit from a detention," he stated firmly. With a deliberate, measured motion, he reached for his inkwell and a sheet of parchment.

"For the next week, every night, I want you here, in my office, at nine o'clock sharp. We shall discuss the importance of following rules during these evening meetings. It is best that we get you on the right track quickly if we wish to avoid a repeat of this unsightly scene." Snape's instruction was clear, leaving Freya with no room for negotiation.

Freya's gaze held a mixture of shock and frustration as she spoke. "You're not familiar with my background. You had no knowledge of the situation or what a provocateur she was. Yet, you're punishing me for merely defending myself. I understand your skepticism about my sudden appearance in your class, our conversation with Dumbledore, and my resistance to Legilimancy. I've offered to take Veritaserum to prove my intentions are genuine, but it seems trust is hard to come by."

Severus Snape's expression remained unmoved by Freya's impassioned words. He listened to her with an air of indifference, his dark eyes fixed upon her.

"Your justifications and explanations, Miss Williams, do not alter the fact that you resorted to violence within the hallowed walls of this school. Your trustworthiness, or lack thereof, is a separate matter," Snape responded coldly. "You will serve your detention as I've instructed. It would be wise to focus on rectifying your behavior rather than trying to convince me otherwise."

Freya scoffed "I understand that my behavior needs improvement, but when you treat me like a criminal, it becomes challenging to convince you that my intention here is to assist rather than cause harm."

Severus Snape's eyes bore into Freya, and his voice remained stern. "Actions, Miss Williams, speak louder than words. Use this detention as an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to following the rules and contributing positively to our school. It is up to you to show where your true intentions lie." Snape's response left no room for further argument.

Freya sighed. She accepted her defeat for now. " i will try my best. I just hope that we didnt run out of time"

Severus Snape nodded, his expression remaining stern and filled with lingering distrust. "Your cooperation is acknowledged, Miss Williams," he stated, his voice revealing his continued suspicion. "Only time will reveal whether this is the beginning of any improvement in your conduct at Hogwarts." With these words, he left Freya, his anger still simmering beneath the surface.

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