Ch 8

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Freya decided to skip dinner and made her way to her room. As she entered the Slytherin common room, she couldn't help but admire the beautiful space. The predominantly green and silver hues created a stunning dark academia atmosphere. Occasionally, she caught glimpses of creatures swimming in the lake through the windows. Sighing contently, she headed to her room. Upon entering, Pansy glanced up from her book, rolled her eyes, and then returned her attention to the pages. Freya sighed and cautiously approached, gently closing the door behind her.

"Hey, Pansy," she began tentatively. Pansy shot her a look of annoyance. "What do you want?" Freya fidgeted slightly, stepping closer and extending her hand. "I'm Freya. Nice to meet you," she offered. Pansy stared at her as if she'd lost her mind. "I know who you are. We're roommates. Did Snape erase your memories?" she retorted. "Yes, I know you know my name. I just wanted to start over," Freya explained, sighing. Pansy sat up, eyeing her suspiciously. Freya sighed again, "I'm sorry. I was rude yesterday and I regret breaking your pretty nose." Smiled at her and stepped closer to Pansy.

Pansy hesitated, taken aback by Freya's words. "I know I was awful, and I'd like to start over. Maybe we could try being friends? Or just be on good terms, to begin with. If you don't want to be friends, that's fine too," Freya said rapidly. Pansy shook her head. "I'm still mad about my nose, and I nearly got expelled for trying to hex you. So, yeah, friends won't happen. But I can be civil if need be," she replied before returning to her book.

Freya smiled, "Thank you, that's enough for me right now," and moved to her side of the room. She felt pleased about the shift in her and Pansy's relationship. It wasn't a significant change, but it was a promising start. Now, she turned her attention to a bigger problem. She began searching her potion book and, after tidying her hair in the mirror, left the room.

Freya stood before the Potion classroom, her anticipation evident in the rhythm of her breath. She gently tapped on the door, waiting expectantly for a response. Several minutes passed with no sound. She knocked again, a bit louder this time, but still, there was no reply. To her surprise, the door creaked open when she tried the handle. Taking a step into the room, she cautiously shut the door behind her, calling out, "Professor?"

The room was cloaked in shadows, and the emptiness felt both eerie and intriguing. The air was thick with the pungent scent of various potions stored in tall, dark cabinets that lined the walls. Labels like knotgrass, leeches, bat tongues, and a myriad of other curious ingredients adorned the jars, casting an intriguing charm over the space. Freya was mesmerized, half convinced she was dreaming. This environment was like a manifestation of her deepest desires. She gingerly touched the dusty shelves, leaving faint fingerprints behind, a testament to her presence.

As she ran her fingers along the shelves, she took a moment to close her eyes, relishing the cold, musty atmosphere that surrounded her. The storm of emotions inside her mind made it difficult to think clearly. Her heart pounded in excitement, almost echoing in the silent room, overwhelming her senses. Suddenly, a chilling, stern voice bringing her back to the room, causing her to startle and let out a yelp.

"Miss Williams, what brings you here, alone, in the darkness? If I'm not mistaken, our meeting was set for 9 o'clock, and you've arrived more than an hour early," the professor queried. With a subtle flick of his wand, the room lit up dimly as the candles came to life, casting a faint glow amid the shadows.

Freya spun around, her gaze locking onto the towering, striking man before her. His lengthy hair, stern countenance, and piercing black eyes weakened her knees. His commanding posture exuded an aura of sheer power. Feeling her mouth dry up under his intense stare, she nervously moistened her lips. "I'm sorry, Professor Snape," his name slipped from her lips like silk, accompanied by a shy smile as she edged closer, craving more of his presence, his scent, his warmth. Inhaling deeply, the immediate aroma of old books filled her senses. "I knocked, and the door was open, so I assumed you might be here," she stumbled over her words, her voice betraying the turbulence of her thoughts. She shook her head. "I was hoping I could ask you a few questions before detention," she murmured, anxiously biting her lip, waiting for his reply.

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