ch 10

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Freya stumbled into her room, cautiously opening the door with a faint, almost silent creak. Hastily shedding her clothes, she leaped into bed, her heart racing. The echo of their kiss, the resonance of his voice, the lingering sensation of his touch—she was exhilarated, fully aware sleep wouldn't come until she found some release for the overwhelming excitement coursing through her.

She looked over at Pansy's bed and saw her sleeping and snoring a little. She bit her lips. "I really shouldn't," she thought, then closed her eyes. But the images of Severus filled her mind. His hand touched her gently but firmly. His lips against hers, and when she lay in his arms, she could swear that she felt him hardening. A slight sigh came out of her mouth as she touched herself. She lightly caressed her breasts and started moving down further.

She opened her eyes suddenly and reached down to her robe. She buried her face into it and breathed deeply in his smell. Her hand slowly caressed her thighs, moving closer and closer to her center. In her mind, Freya heard him saying her name. It rolled off his tongue like silk. His raspy voice called to her. She was wet when she touched herself and breathed heavily. Her mind was filled with images of what could have happened if he pushed her down onto that desk, if he had taken out his hardened cock and shoved it deep inside her.

"Ah," she panted as she fingered herself, but it wasn't enough. Her nose was filled with his scent, her mind foggy from frustration, and she could still feel his lips on hers. She took out her wand and gently touched her opening. It was cold at first, but as she slowly pushed it in, it warmed up quickly from her body heat. In her mind, Severus made slow, deliberate movements, going in and out, causing her to lose her mind. His large hands pinned her to his desk while, with his other hand, he groped her butt, moaning and growling as he moved in and out.

She moved her wand in sync with the fantasy in her head, speeding up as she reached the peak. Freya could feel his touch, his scent; it was overwhelming, and she couldn't hold on any longer. She bit down on her robe as she came, screaming in her head, "S...Sev," which came out as a whisper, though most of the noise was muffled by the robe.

"Gradually, her breathing returned to normal. Glancing over at Pansy, she found her still fast asleep and snoring. Swiftly, she tidied her wand and herself before drifting off to sleep."

The next morning, Freya woke up around ten, but today held no lessons. An afternoon trip to Hogsmeade was scheduled. She swiftly dressed and tidied her hair. Glancing in the mirror, she decided to leave her hair down. The shine of her green hair was something she cherished. Despite experimenting with various colors like blue, pink, and purple, the green remained her favorite and had stayed for the past two years. It delighted her to discover that her appearance hadn't changed when she arrived in this realm. She picked up her robe from the previous day, noting a slight fading of a familiar scent. She donned the robe and planned to read the first-year potion book while having breakfast, taking the book with her as she left the room.

The common room bustled with activity. Spotting Pansy in a group, Freya gave a slight nod, to her surprise, receiving a nod in return. Hastily, she departed the common room and made her way to the Great Hall.

Upon entering, she saw several teachers, including Severus, who immediately looked up upon her arrival, seemingly sensing her presence. She offered a slight smile and headed to the Slytherin table. Draco sat there with his two companions. "Hey, guys," Freya greeted them with a smile as she sat down next to Draco, who appeared annoyed. She helped herself to some toast and scrambled eggs, reminiscing about the dinner he had prepared for her the previous evening. Her heart raced at the memory, and she quickly looked at him. Engaged in conversation with Professor McGonagall, Severus seemed deeply focused, his lips barely moving. Noticing her staring, she swiftly turned her attention to Draco. "Why so annoyed this early in the morning?" she asked, taking a bite of her toast. He looked at her, furrowing his brows. "I thought you were coming yesterday evening," he huffed. Facepalming herself, she replied, "Oh, I forgot to mention I had detention, and it'll be for the next four months." She grinned as they looked at her, utterly shocked. It was only the third day, and she had somehow accumulated nearly half a year's worth of detention.

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