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This fic is just for fun dont take it seriously. I came back to it because of SnapeTok and want write some funny moments with him. Please leave a comment what you think of this chaos fic🫡


Freya stashed the monstrous book in her room and made her way to the Great Hall for lunch. Scanning the room, she spotted the golden trio seated together at one table, while Draco was among a group of Slytherins at another. Draco was theatrically exaggerating the impact of his injury, claiming he would've lost his hand had he delayed his visit to the mediwitch. Freya chuckled and playfully tapped his head. "You're being so reckless, Draco. You could have ended up seriously hurt. Why didn't you follow the rules?" Her concern was evident in her voice.

Annoyed by his pain, Draco retorted, "Ouch! I'm in agony because of that stupid bird, and you're here calling me stupid?"

Freya gazed into Draco's eyes earnestly. "I was genuinely worried about you. That peculiar bird is one of the most elegant and beautiful creatures I've ever seen but dangerous and you disrespected. What did you expected? It was your fault, you putted yourself in a dangerous position and it made me genuinely concerned."

Draco was momentarily surprised by her words but remained silent. For a few moments, they exchanged meaningful glances until whispers erupted from another table. "They saw Sirius Black," the gossip spread like wildfire, leaving everyone shocked and chattering. Freya shot Draco one more concerned look before quietly exiting the scene.

She headed to the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Remus Lupin. While she admired him in the movies, there were moments when she didn't liked him so much because he seemed opposed to Snape despite his role as a spy for Dumbledore. She shook her head and then suddenly stopped, exclaiming in pain, "Oh my goodness!" in dramatic tones. "Who the fuck made these endless stairs?! I feel like I'm dying!" She panted heavily as she slowly ascended. Reaching the correct floor, she slumped against the wall, attempting to calm her racing heart.

She heard smooth footsteps approaching and looked up to see Remus emerging from the classroom, peering down at her. "Are you alright?" he asked, concerned. Freya's face was flushed, and her hair was disheveled. She felt utterly exhausted. Gazing up at the handsome professor with skepticism, she replied, "Do I look okay? I feel like I'm dying. Who thought these many stairs were a good idea?" She expressed disbelief. "And to add to that, they're fucking moving. The sassy stairs said ' bitch you shouldn't go right, but left' , and I felt like I was rotating the entire building. Isn't it reasonable to have something useful, like i don't know,  elevators in this huge castle?" She gasped for breath.

Remus Lupin gazed at Freya with a mixture of concern and amusement at her frustrated outburst. "Ah, the moving staircases can indeed be a bit confounding at times," he admitted with a knowing smile. "They do have a certain whimsical mind of their own, much to the dismay of many students. It's a pity we lack the convenience of elevators in this vast castle, isn't it?"

He extended his hand to help Freya to her feet. "Here, have some chocolate, it will help," he said, smiling as they entered the classroom. A few students were already present, and as Freya settled down to eat the chocolate, she chuckled, thinking about the various memes. She recalled the moment when he had offered Harry a chocolate too in the movie during their first meeting, she mused, ' He believes it's a solution for everything. Silly Werewolf, but cute tho' she thought.

As she glanced up, more students began to arrive. Draco still seemed annoyed, giving her a look with puppy-dog eyes, but he didn't approach, and she didn't pay him much attention. 'If he wants to reconcile, he needs to learn to apologize,' she pondered to herself. She then positioned herself at the front of the gathering, eager to listen as Remus commenced the lesson.

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