Chapter 24: The PoPoultry Farm!

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"Rick! Mom!" Popuri announced her presence as she entered her house. "I'm back!"

"Popuri, welcome back." A motherly voice replied. "I hope it wasn't a lot of trouble catching Chickie."

"No, of course not, mom." Popuri shook her hand. "Actually! I didn't catch Chickie alone! There were these two—.... Wow!"

Popuri was about to explain how she caught Chickie, but that thought soon left her mind the moment she laid her eyes on the table packed full of eggs.

"Oh, wooow!" Popuri skipped to the table and clasped her hands, her eyes sparkling with stars as she took in the sight of the practically gleaming eggs. "Look at them all!"

"Yep. We've got a lot of eggs again today. That's a good sign that our chickens are all happy and healthy." Rick placed a container of eggs on the table; the eggs were a slight brown shade darker compared to the other eggs on the table. He picked up one of these eggs. "I soft-boiled a few of them to munch on while I was working. Want one, mom?"

"My, my! Thank you so much, Rick." Their mom walked to the table with a smile spread across her lips. "Soft-boiled eggs make such a yummy snack."

"Let me have one, Rick!" Popuri took one of the soft-boiled eggs. Something buzzed in the back of her mind; she couldn't help but feel she should tell her family something important. Oh well, I'm sure I'll remember it soon!

But she didn't have to worry as the important matter in question would soon enter their house.


"So this is the PoPoultry Farm...?" Pete asked, reading the sign standing in front of the house. The sign read:


Closed Sundays.

We're open from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM!

"There are a lot of chickens roaming around," Claire observed the many chickens frolicking in the fenced area to the left side of the house. They look peaceful compared to that ruthless... Chickie? Was that its name?

"This must be... the chicken farm!" Pete deduced from the chicken, chick, and eggs plastered on the logo and the chickens Claire saw. I mean, what else could it be? "If we needed a reason to fill the chicken coop, I think this is the place to be."

"Wow, I wonder what gave you that idea?" Claire chuckled at this obvious deduction, then faced the entrance. "Let's head inside and greet Popuri's family!"

"All right." Pete nodded, taking the first step and gently pushing the doors into the house which alerted its residents.

"Hm?" Rick turned around, noticing two unfamiliar people. He adjusted his glasses. "Hello. I haven't seen you two around here before. Are you travelers here to scope out our local sights and sounds?"

 Are you travelers here to scope out our local sights and sounds?"

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