Chapter 5: Stuck Together

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"When the farmer passed away, he mentioned in his will that he left the farm to Pete. And he's right there. And you, Miss Claire, also bought this farm from MT Realtor. And you're right here." Thomas took a deep breath. He only had one shot at this. "So, naturally, that would mean..."

Pete and Claire tilted their heads. What would that naturally mean, exactly...?

"Why don't you two run this farm together?"

"..." Pete and Claire stared at the mayor as if he had three heads. They exchanged blank glances.

"See, this is a big farm to manage all by yourself." Thomas smiled nervously. "It would be much easier if you two became co-owners and handled it."

"Are you suggesting that she and I run the farm... together?" Pete asked, processing the situation. He didn't know what he expected, but it wasn't this. This is unexpected. And I don't even know her...

"... What?" Claire blinked a few times, doing a double take. "You're asking me to handle the farm with some random guy?" Not only was the farm in a subpar condition, but she'd also have to live with a stranger...? I didn't pay my entire life savings for this!

"For once, I agree with you." Pete hummed. As far as she's concerned, I'm just a stranger to her. "We don't know each other."

"It's the best solution, I would say!" Thomas frantically nodded his head. "Pete, you'd have a helping hand around the farm! And Claire, you don't have to go back to the city!"

"Yeah, and what about the deal I made with MT Realtor?" Claire ruffled her blonde hair, frustrated. "I've already paid for it. I get nothing out of this! I've basically been cheated."

"I-I'll take care of that!" Thomas held his chin high, desperate. "To make up for all the trouble I caused you, I'll try to contact MT Realtor and have them compensate you since you'll be managing the farm with Pete."

Claire sensed how genuine the mayor's words were. He truly felt sorry and was going to set things right. But I'm not alone in this...

"... Mayor Thomas," Pete called out.

"What is it?"

"Isn't the will written in my name?" Pete asked, folding his arms, his expression calm.

"Yes, that's correct." Thomas nodded.

Claire's gaze turned to Pete. Oh, that's right. Now that her mind cleared up a bit, she gathered that the past farmer left the farm to this person. Wouldn't that mean that the final decision doesn't lay with Mayor Thomas? Is he going to...

"But the farm property isn't officially mine, I take it?" Pete stroked his chin in deep thought. "It's still registered under my old man's name?"

"Yes. Though I will have that finalized in your name." Thomas nodded, wondering where this line of questioning led to. "Why do you ask?"

Claire clenched a fist close to her chest. Even if Thomas suggested that they should work together, Pete technically had every right to reject her. He's... the owner, not me. And if she got her money back, she didn't have any good reason to stay here.

Back to square one.

Claire sighed and stared at her feet. It's just my luck, huh...? She threw everything away, and for what? She desired an exciting life on a peaceful farm, but here she was, in front of a farm that couldn't live up to expectations. Maybe this is my fate. The exciting life might not be for her. Maybe she was forever chained to such a–...

"Could you put her name as well?"

Claire froze, snapping her gaze to him. Her eyes widened in surprise. What did he just say? Put her name, too? Doesn't that mean...?

"Oh, I don't see why not." Thomas held his waist, approving the idea. "In fact, that would be the better option since you two will be sharing the farm!"

"I see." Pete nodded and returned a smile. "Good to hear that."

"I'll get this sorted right away! I'll have the property registered in your names!" Thomas turned to the farm's entrance and dashed. He just wanted to escape the tense situation. "And rest assured, Miss Claire! I promise I'll rectify this situation to the best of my ability!"

Thomas hurried out of the farm, leaving Pete and Claire alone. An awkward silence ensued.

Claire couldn't believe her ears. He was letting the property be signed under her name, too?

"... Why?"


"Why did you ask the mayor to put my name?" Claire asked, turning to Pete. That was such a kind thing to do for someone he just met. I'm practically a stranger to him.

"Well..." Pete rubbed the back of his head. "You were looking forward to starting a new life on the farm, weren't you?"

"Yes, but..."

"And you moved away from the city with no intention of returning." Pete looked to the side, staring at the fields. "You already spent a lot of money to get here."

"But the farm was handed down to you." Claire rubbed her arm. "Are you... okay with me being a co-owner?"

"I'd feel bad if you left with nowhere else to go." Pete smiled timidly. "Besides, I got this farm by chance. I didn't come here with the intention of taking over."

"I see..." Claire folded her arms, staring at the skies. She believed he was going to push her away. But... that's not the case. He was willing to accept her.

"I should ask you, though." Pete drew his hands to his waist. "Are you fine with raising the farm together? You expected to raise the farm by yourself, I would guess...?"

"Well, I did come here to live a farm life." Claire smiled wryly and sighed, casting a glance to the skies. "And I'm not planning on leaving, so..."

"Is that right?" Pete walked to her and offered his hand. "So, I guess we're in this together, then?"

Claire stared at his hand. She returned a gentle handshake. "... It's not like I have a choice, either."

This wasn't what she expected when she arrived on the farm. Having spent a lot of money, the farm wasn't worth the price, at least for how it was advertised. Regardless, perhaps she could bear these conditions. Still, I have mixed feelings...

"I believe we... got off the wrong foot." He pulled back his cap and adjusted it. "My name is Pete."

"Sorry... for being hostile." She scratched her cheek. "My name is Claire, but you already knew that."

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