Chapter 7: Bonding under the Black

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"Right now... we need some rest."

"O-Okay." Claire sighed. Pete was right. It's been a long day. She walked to the toilet. "I'm... going to change into my pajamas first. Don't peek inside."

"What kind of person do you think I am...?" He scoffed.

"I-I mean... we're strangers?"

"... That's fair." A sigh slipped through his lips.

After changing into her pajamas, Claire stepped out of the toilet and tossed her clothes into her suitcase. She saw Pete was already lying down in the space between the bed and the chest. She moved to the bed and touched the mattress. Oh, this is pretty soft.

Claire jumped on the bed and fluffed the pillow. It's not bad at all. The pillow and blanket were comfortable enough. It's in good condition. She expected them to be firmer. But it's not bad at all!

She tucked herself under the blanket and closed her eyes... only to open them again. I can't sleep like this. How could she sleep on the bed while her housemate slept on the floor? Her conscience wouldn't let her.

"Pete...?" Claire crawled to the end of the bed to peek at him. "Is the floor... comfortable enough?" It was an odd question when spoken out loud, she realized.

"Honestly, no." Pete got up and scratched his back. The floor back home was better than this. "The floor is harder than I thought."

"O-Oh..." Her lips pursed. She leaned closer. "Maybe you can have the blanket, instead?"

"Actually, I'll sleep outside." Pete stood up and took his backpack. My back hurts. "I think there should be some haystacks in the barn." I think there was a stable, too...?

"Outside?" Her eyes widened. How did they go from sleeping on the floor to sleeping outside?

"Well... have a good night, Claire." He gave a meek smile and turned to the door. "I'll see you in the morning."

Pete took a few steps forward but felt a hand grab his sleeve. Of course, there was only one person that could be.

"Don't go."

"Hmmm...?" Pete looked over his shoulder. Her face was bowed down, her forelock covering her eyes.

"I can't sleep comfortable like this, knowing you'd be outside."

"Oh, it's all right." Pete waved a hand to dismiss her concern. "I don't mind at all."

"But I do." Claire raised her head, her delicate blue eyes meeting his own. "This farm... was meant to be in your care. And you were so kind enough to let me have the property, too."

"Claire..." Pete turned to her, his crimson eyes studying her concerned expression. Is she worried about me...? "But where would I sleep, then? I could still try the floor but–..."

"... Sleep with me."

Pete stared at her in utter silence. His body froze as he processed the words leaving her lips. He blinked rapidly.

"... Huh?" His face rose in heat. He felt his cheeks glow red.

"I-I mean, let's share the bed!" Claire blushed heavily and let go of his sleeve. "W-We're sharing the farm and all, so...!"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Pete took a few steps back, visibly flustered. "You're asking me... to sleep together?"

"No, I'm not!" Claire threw her fists down in embarrassment. I technically am, but... "You'll sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the bed. That way you don't have to sleep on the floor or go outside! A win-win situation!"

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