6. Crowned Prince

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The new royal court was filled with skilled people. Sanvika had asked Bhargav to bring skilled people from all around the kingdom.

As she meet them , Sanvika had given them duties to make the kingdom prosperous. From making jewellery to making saree's and lehenga's. Sanvika had chosen the best of best.

Then she asked Harshvardhan to look into their trade practices. She also declared that the kingdom wouldn't profit from their trade.

She also scouted different people and trained them in warfare. After that she sent them to take their place in all the kingdoms.

All of the people got work in the royal palace and Sanvika Smirked. With the boon of Mahadev , Sanvika had befriended a lion who use to take information from all of the spies and get it to Sanvika. She made the lion her vahan as well and she use to call him Rudra.

She had requested her guru hanuman to teach Rudra who gracefully agreed. Within time the abilities of Rudra had exceeded the expectations of all.

5 years had passed and the 3 son's of Vyasa were 7 years old. Dhritarashtra use to call Sanvika Mata while Pandu called her Pitrbhagini and Vidur called her Samragini.

Today was a joyous day for Ambika as her son had mastered in controlling all his senses. That's when Sanvika closed her eyes and chanted some mantras.

The people of the royal court closed their eyes as they felt bright light. When all opened their eyes , they saw Asurguru Shukracharya.

Shukra- Pranam Devi , why did you summon me?
San- Asurguru I have summoned you as I want to remind you of your vow.

As Sanvika had vanquished Bhayankar asur and his Sena , there came Asurguru.

Shukra- Putri , I want to thankyou as Bhayankar asur was the downfall of patal.
San- It is my duty to protect innocent people be it an Devta or and Asura.
Shukra- Putri , your guru must be proud of you. Who is the lucky one who got a student like you?
San- There is not 1 but 10 guru's who taught me. Out of the 10 your father Guru Bhrigu also taught me. While his other 8 prajapati brothers and ram bhakt Hanuman were my other guru's.

Shukracharya was shocked as it was the first time someone had been taught by 9 prajapati's.

Shukra- Putri as for a boon from me as you have saved the honour of Patal and the Asuras.
San- I shall ask you about that when the time comes Guruputra , pranipat.

End of flashback.

Shukracharya smiled and then he said.

Shukra- As for the boon putri.
San- I have heard that Sanjeevani mantra can get a person back from dead and can also cure diseases.

All including Shukracharya looked at her in confusion and Shukracharya then said.

Shukra- Yes putri , the Sanjeevani mantra can cure anything.
San- Then I wish for you to bless me with the mantra to use it once.
Shukra- Tathastu putri , you can use the Sanjeevani mantra once.

Shukracharya gave her the Sanjeevani mantra and as he was to go he saw her moving towards a child. The child looked blind and Shukracharya understood what she was going to do , so did the others.

SANVIKA : THE SISTER OF SHANTANU [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt