Chapter Fourteen: Saving Crowley

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Crowley was in some serious trouble. The water had officially covered the window but no water had flooded the deck yet. But Crowley knew it was only a matter of time until it did. Crowley called out for help while banging his cuffs on the pipe to make as much noise as he could. But the deck had been completely abandoned. All there was left was people's property lying in the corridor from their frantic escape and water creeping up through the hall. It wasn't slowing down either.

Meanwhile, Aziraphale was searching everywhere for Mr. Andrews, hoping that he would help him find Crowley before he drowned below deck. Mr. Andrews was helping everyone he could find, telling them to put a lifebelt on and head up to the boat deck. He had one on to set a good example, even telling a maid to do the same. Aziraphale managed to find him while he looked in one of the cabins. Aziraphale ran up to him, asking where the Master-at-Arms would take someone under arrest.

Mr. Andrews was confused and told him to get up to a lifeboat right away. But Aziraphale refused to leave, saying that he was doing this with or without his help. Of course, without would take longer. Seeing that he couldn't convince him otherwise, he started telling him where to go. Below, Crowley had given up calling for help, knowing that no one would answer his cries. But it got so much worse when water started to flood into the room.

Crowley cursed to himself, climbing up the pipe to try and break it so he could escape. Above deck, Aziraphale ran to the lifts to go down but the staff wasn't letting anyone go up or down. When Aziraphale tried pushing in, the staff still told him that the lifts were closed. Having enough of the delays, he grabbed him by the coat, pushing him into the lift, demanding to be taken down. Too scared to argue, he did as asked.

As the room filled with water, Crowley tried everything to break free. He even tried sliding the cuffs off but they were too tight. Back with Aziraphale, he was still heading down to E Deck. But, as soon as he reached it, the lift filled with water. It wasn't deep but it was freezing. Scared, the staff tried to go back up but Aziraphale told him not to and left the lift. He tried to stop him but he had already walked out.

Too scared about the fact that this was happening, he went back up to the top floor, leaving Aziraphale all alone. He ignored it and started following the directions that Mr. Andrews gave her. Meanwhile, Crowley had to climb up onto a desk to escape the freezing cold water. Aziraphale walked through the water that was up to his thighs, pushing furniture out of the way just to find Crowley. When he reached the corridor he was supposed to be in, he started to call out for Crowley, going down the hallway that wasn't that full of water.

Crowley heard her calls as Aziraphale went down the slowly darkening hallway as the lights flickered, threatening to go out. Confirming that it was him, Crowley started to call out to him, banging the cuffs against the pipe to make even more noise. Aziraphale found the room Crowley was in and went up to him, apologising for not believing him about the diamond. Crowley explained what happened to which Aziraphale told him that he knew.

But the reunion quickly ended when Crowley told him to search around the room to find a spare key to free him. He pointed to some cabinets and told him to look through them. He told him that it was a silver one and he started to look. But all he could see were brass ones. So he started looking through other cabinets and drawers. Quickly stopping his search, Crowley asked him how he knew he didn't steal the diamond.

Aziraphale explained that he didn't, realising that he already knew. Somewhat satisfied with his answer, he told him to keep looking for the key. But, after looking everywhere in the room, there was no spare key. So Crowley came up with a new plan. He told him to go and find some help. Aziraphale didn't want to leave him but it was his only chance. He kissed him, saying that he would be right back before leaving to get help.

Aziraphale went back down the hallway which was now flooded all the way up to his stomach. He climbed back up the stairs where he came from and searched around the empty deck for anyone to help him. As he called anyone for help, he saw a man who was trying to escape the deck they were on. But he didn't understand him, speaking in a different language and quickly running away from him. He was once again alone.

The hallway went dark as the power was weakening from the sinking. Aziraphale stayed near a wall as the power went off and then back on again. And, just as it did, a crewmember arrived with lifebelts under his arm. Seeing Aziraphale, he tried dragging him to one of the upper decks but Aziraphale was trying to explain Crowley's situation. But the crewmember refused to listen. Realising this, Aziraphale shut him up before punching him in the face.

Seeing the blood run down from his nose, he didn't want to bother with him anymore and left. Aziraphale was annoyed at the fact that no one would help him. But he found something that could help. Opposite him was a fire axe behind a piece of glass. Using the firehose next to it, he smashed the glass and took the axe, making his way back to Crowley. Above deck, the Captain was now seeing the damage the flooding was causing. Almost the entirety of the bow was now underwater with water flooding over onto the deck. Fireworks continued to go off behind him, praying that a nearby ship would come to their aid.

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