Re-uploads (Not a one-shot)

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I made a Wednesday one-shot last year (2022) and it got quite a lot of reads, as well as having over 60+ one-shot stories for readers to enjoy. 

Unfortunately, Wattpad had decided to snap my book out of existence, like Thanos, and sadly, I couldn't re-access the book, I was still new to the whole beginning of my writing journey so I foolishly never saved my stories onto a hard drive as I didn't think Wattpad would bleep my book out of existence, so to my error, most of my stories are gone. 

Fortunately, someone, and a few other people, were kind enough to send me screenshots for my first story on social media, and a nice reader ended up having a lot of my stories screenshotted. 

So, a huge thank you to ADragonWhoCanRead. 
And many thanks to the people who gave me screenshots for Ruffle and Tuffle <3

I will be re-writing these stories, as I have improved ideas and writing styles. I will put all one my re-uploaded stories with this symbol. ✍️📜

Edit: All stories have been rewritten and completed, so enjoy! 

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