Why do I forget how dramatic Kaden can be? Maybe that's why we click so well.

Forgetting that Sander was still here, I looked over at him and he raised a brow before leaning down to my ear.

"Blink twice and I'll get rid of him, love." Sander whispers, making me choke out a laugh.

"Oh my oh my, who do we have here." Kaden smirks looking at Sander as he finally turned to face him. "Wait, aren't you—"

Before he could finish, Sander cuts him off. "I'm Aleksander, nice to meet you."

"I know! But you're the one who—"

"And what's your name?" Sander cuts him again with a stern look.

What's going on with these two?

"Oh right, I'm Kaden. Nice to meet you too Sander." He stated.

Sander frowns, "It's Aleksander."

"But Sia calls you Sander." Kaden huffs.

"Well you're not her."

I blushed.

Did they forgot I'm still here? "I'm still here you know." I wave my hand around.

"My apologies pretty girl, I'll be on my way now hm?" Sander kisses my forehead, lingering for a few seconds before making his way to the door.

"Bye!" I squealed, still feeling his hot lips on my forehead.

I've never had a forehead kiss before.

He stops at Kaden before whispering something in his ears. Kaden eyes widened as he gulped and only then did Sander finally leaves.

"What did he tell you?" I ask Kaden curiously.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously, "That's not important. Pretty girl and love huh? Oh lets not forget that forehead kiss." He changed the subject making my face heats up.

I rolled my eyes, "It's nothing, he just loves calling me nicknames and its just a normal forhead kiss."

I can't tell him I actually liked it.

That's cheating, right?

"Does my bestfriend have a crush?" Kaden laughs jumping up and down.

"No!" Lies.

Yes, I most definitely do.

"Come on Sia, you're blushing." He smirks.

I am? Oh dear God.

"You know that's impossible, I still have a loving husband." I pointed out.

Loving husband my ass, that bitch can burn in hell for all I care. Now I'm stuck with him because of the stupid contract that my naive self signed qithout reading.

Dumb me.

Kaden rolled his eyes, "Speaking of, where's that loving husband of yours?"

𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 | (𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora