Chapter 13

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Zayn's POV

The next morning was just odd. Eve wouldn't look me in the eyes to even talk to me, and Liam... Well everything was fine with Liam. He was the same annoying man he always is. But anytime I tried to bring up the fact I was married or was a dad to be, Eve and Liam would always cut me off before I could even get two words in.

"I'm trying the shower thing first. Eve, you grew up with them so I think I deserve to try this thing out." Liam cut me off on my twentieth attempt to talk as we sat at the metal round table in the kitchen of a family that was here to help the King Dove.

We all were eating some weird food that the woman of the house had made. Eve told us that it's a traditional morning meal here in the Head System, but I have no idea why you would eat bread that's been dipped in eggs and milk then cooked. It was good, just odd for me and Liam. Especially when they put some really sweet sticky stuff over it and butter.

"I'll go after you. Zayn, you should probably make a statement to the President that you're still alive and still fighting so he knows to keep his attention on you and not anywhere he can harm your mum or sisters again." Eve told me, but really she just mumbled it down to her empty plate. I looked at Liam and saw him watching the usually confident girl become what seemed like a shy school girl.

I helped clear our plates as Liam went to shower, then sat down with a few other men that were soldiers from the Head System fighting on our side. They had a tape recorder thing and gave me some paper in case I needed to write down what I was going to say. They turned on the tape recorder and I just smirked knowing this would be delivered to the President's mansion where thousands of men that are on my side have it surrounded.

"President Bellator, it's Zayn Malik. So, you think you can drown me to try to win this war? That's really cute of you. Such a cowardice move on you're part, and stupid one too. Can you imagine the riots you would have to deal with if you actually killed me? Anyway, I'm still here and still fighting. Obviously, you're thinking of different ways to try to even compete in this war, so I'll leave you to do that while my men grow stronger and defeat you more. You asked me if I was ready, the answer is yes. But now, I'm not sure if it was such a smart choice for you. Just look out your window to see the ocean of men waiting for you. I believe the only one drowning here is you." I finished speaking and gave the two soldiers sitting in front of me a nod. One turned off the recording device before both of them broke out laughing. I chuckled lightly before getting up and going to see if Eve and Liam had finished showing yet.

"So, Zayn doesn't have anyone back home for him, right?" I heard Eve ask as I pressed my ear to the door of the bedroom to hear the actual conversation going on.

"He has more people at home for him than you can imagine. One that isn't even born yet." I heard Liam say with at light laugh, but I heard the confusion of what she ment by the question. They both stayed quiet after that so I just walked in to see Eve in her uniform again and Liam just laying on the bed struggle to get his tight jumpsuit on.

"Why do we have such fancy uniforms compared to everyone else in the first place?" I aksed him as I stripped off the t-shirt I had been given to wear this morning. Liam moved so he could look at me and rolled his eyes.

"You were given a fancy uniform to keep you from getting killed in anyway possible. Also, you have nice shoes because they won't fall off your feet like that one time you went home with one shoe." I laughed at Liam and threw the shirt in my hands at him before going to the bathroom.

I spent at least twenty minutes trying to figure out how to get the water on and not so hot that it would melt off my skin. When I got it, I quickly washed myself off with the soap I had found and I hoped they didn't mind me using. But, I came across a small love bite on my chest that was just starting to dissappear which made me smile a little bit because my Nialler gave it to me. I ran my fingers over the light bruse and felt my heart ache for his touch.

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