Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

The rest of the men from Bradford, Liam, Eve and I all went down to where the rest of the men that had been here were waiting quietly. The three of us stood in front of the crowd of men and looked over the crowd. I had never felt so small and intimadated  by a crowd than I was feeling right now.

One of the men came up to me with a pure white machine gun and handed it to me. I took it and looked over all of it because it was so nice. It was nicer than the one I have back in Bradford. I placed it on my back, then looked at a pair of green eyes that were trained on me.

Eve was looking at me with a cold expression on her face, but I saw in her eyes a small amount of emotion. I wasn't sure what it was, but I saw something that made me feel like she wasn't the girl she's faking to be. That look in her eyes went away went she rolled them, and looked out to the people again.

Liam bumped into me a little and nodded for me to say something to the men. My hands started trembling a little as well as sweating as I took a single step foward.

"We are going to fight. Our first goal is to take over businesses and small stores. Our next is to baracade the president's mansion. This will take long and we have to force fear of us into the Head System. We will overcome. We will not stop until we have freedom." The men a raised their right hand in a fist, making me see that they all knew this was it.

I turned around and started walking like I knew where I was going, making all the men follow me. Liam and Eve were right beside me the whole time. I was going to question Eve of where we were walking, but she just discreetly told me where to walk.

It seemed like only seconds of walking before we were at the walls that surrounded the Head System. They were large concrete walls that span as far as I could see. I looked around before getting my gun and using one of the nice electronic options to quietly shoot. It muffled the sounds as I shot small hand and foot holes into the concrete so I could use it as a ladder.

"I'll go first. You'll find in the Head System, it's not uncommon that women can do just as much as men." Eve told me, then started climbing. I had no idea what any of that ment because I've always known women are equal to men. I grew up in a house full of girls, I know they're equal. But I still think men should protect women because they are also gentle.

After she got over the wall, I went next. When I jumped down, my eyes widened at the city scape in front of me. Expensive buildings made of pure stone were everywhere. The streets were paved beautifully with bricks that were a light cream color. How they stayed that way with people living here, I'll never know. The streets seemed quiet, which made me true to Eve only to see she was already looking at me. I wonder how many times that's going to happen?

"Where are the people?" I asked her. She huffed and grabbed my arm, pulling me around the building that was in front of us to show a still silent street, but some houses had white flags on the doors.

"The people with white flags are on our side. The people with no flags are stupid, and the rest of everyone that is on the Head System's side should be on the other side of town. This town used to be called London before the Bellator family took power. The first rebellion, which was about eighty years ago, no one here believed that the people would come so they had no way of protection or even way of being in the know of the rebellion." Eve started as she pulled me away from the streets and continued to give me information.

"So, when the people attacked London, no one was prepared for that. The Bellator men led the army to defeat the rebels because they just weren't strong enough to win and begin using fear to keep us in our place. The first born child of every family was killed to mark the first rebellion. President Bellator's grandfather ordered that to happen. The next order was forced marriage. They wanted to make sure we knew they had the power over our lives, including marriage and having children. The next was job occupation. That was done to keep check on men so rebellions don't start and women had to be pregnant in the first year of marriage so they would be in a minority type place not to cause trouble. Over all, the way you all lived outside of the Head System was done to keep fear of the government but they failed to tell that the you all growing up. In school they bearly teach about history because it gives hope to young minds that they can start a rebellion too. Your father started the second rebellion. It wasn't a full rebellion so we all call it the Foreshadowing. It's known everywhere as that, but we took a vow not to speak of it so the second child wouldn't be killed. Now, this is the third try to take over the Head System, but it really is the second rebellion. The people of this town have been waiting months now and that's why they all have made their choice to which side they would defend." Once Eve finished, she looked over at the wall and shook her head sadly.

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