Chapter 10

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Zayn's POV

With the sound of the rumbling, the three of us got to our feet. We all looked at each other in confusion to what was actually happening, but that soon left and we all turned into survival mode.

The three of us left the small room we were in and ran to the outer tunnel we had traveled in before. Eve pulled us to run the way I think we had come from, but I got a bad feeling about that way. I just felt like something was going to be there that we would be far from prepared for. But, that soon became a small voice in my mind because I knew Eve had lived in the Head System her whole life. She had studied these underground passageways and I trusted her with it.

We continued running, but the rumbling only seemed to get stronger and stronger. I looked at Liam and saw he still looked about half asleep, yet half scared out of his mind. Eve looked alert and ready to kill someone if needed, which I think she might think of killing me with how much she dislikes me.

We turned the corner of a different tunnel, but that small voice started nagging too loudly for my liking. I grabbed Eve's wrist and Liam's hand to make them stop running. Eve turn and tried to hit me, but I grabbed her other wrist before she could.

"Would you stop trying to fucking hit me every four seconds?" I yelled at her, my voice booming through the concrete, stone mixed tunnels. She looked at me with her green eyes full of some odd type of sadness, but that turned cold and she just rolled her eyes.

"Would you stop trying to stop us every four seconds? We get somewhere and Mr.Big-Shot-Malik thinks he has to save the day. You think that people want to listen to you because you're a good leader, but really it's because of your looks! You can put up a front for them, but we know I'm in charge behind the scenes just like I have been since Bradford rebelled." Eve hissed at me. I dropped her wrists and took a step away from her. If she thinks that I'm doing this for power or whatever, she's wrong.

I didn't even want this rebellion to happen. I didn't want any of this, yet here we are and I have the name of the King Dove engraved with me forever. If she thinks for a second that I'm trying to be in command by choice then she's not even worth explaining how I got into this mess in the first place. She can do this for power all she wants, I'm doing this for my child to grow up and have a choice in its life.

"You know what, Eve? You can try to pretend that you always have the best plans, but remember early today you nearly lead us into a blood bath? Remember when you thought that was a good idea? Learn to depend on other people, it will help you in the long run of war. Especially being in a leadership position." I told her, then looked over her shocked expression. She looked at Liam, who was now fully awake and watching the two of us like a football match.

"You can't depend on fucking idiotic men." Eve spoke under her breath, then continued walking in the direction we were running before. Liam looked at me like I was supposed to say something back, but I respect her more than the blow she just gave me.

I may not know her, or her background story of why she's a bitter 19 year old, but I do know that she has something out for men. The men here in the Head System must be complete ass holes if this is her idea of all men. In the smaller towns surrounding the Head System, I've never met a man that doesn't treat his wife with respect or his daughter like she's a queen. There's the occasional man that fears the government and does things he shouldn't to his wife, but I know that by the end of the day those ladies are treated even better than before. We're all raised to know that women deserve respect, so this girl going off on me is just not what I'm even understanding correctly.

The rumbling in the tunnel continued to get stronger and stronger. Eve kept walking, but Liam and I stayed right here we were. Liam was looking at me for an order, but I didn't have one. I didn't know my way around here. Sure, I marked in the map back at home and found ways out and things, but it's different in real life than it is on paper. Of the three of us, I probably knew my way around the least.

Freedom (Ziall Horlik) M-pregTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon