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*as ayanokoji wakes up he got a phone call*

"Rinnggg rinnnnggg"

Ayanokoji POV :*youve gotten to be kidding me... Who in their right mind would call someone in 5am!*

*as ayanokoji picked it up*

Ayanokoji : hello who's there?

Mr sakayanagi : hello there ayanokoji it's been awhile since we talked

Ayanokoji : with that tone why do I feel like you're going to make me do something difficult

Mr sakayanagi : hehe you caught me...... It's true since your the smartest in the school *POV : and the world* you have a lot of responsibilities so meet me after you get to school in my office ok

Ayanokoji POV :*i knew it*

Ayanokoji : ok I'll be there in a few minutes

Mr sakayanagi : great.ok ill hang up now

*as the phone call ended ayanokoji got up*

Ayanokoji : "sigh" This will be a pain

*as ayanokoji showered and got dressed he then went to a cafe for breakfast as he bumped to ichinose*

Ichinose : hey there ayanokoji it's been awhile since we talked

*due to Kushida ayanokoji got connections with other classes in the first month of the school year but after the reveal of class S ayanokoji got even more popular what I'm trying to say is that ichinose and ayanokoji knows each other and friends*

Ayanokoji : ichinose it's been a while

Ichinose : so how are you after your popularity growed?

Ayanokoji : it was very annoying.... I literally got countless spams in my phone of club's wanting me to join and girls messaging me to a date... It was very annoying

Ichinose : oh.. I thought you'd be happy because of their attention

Ayanokoji : I'm not the kind of guy to want attention you know

Ichinose : oh really... Even though you went viral when you played the piano like an expert

Ayanokoji : I didn't know there were people and I had my eyes closed so I can concentration

*as 10 minutes of chatting went by*

Ayanokoji : oh well I should go now

Ichinose : why school is going to start in like an hour

Ayanokoji : yeah but the chair man called me to go there

Ichinose : oh ok. I guess I'll see you next time

*as they part ways*

Ayanokoji POV :*class b would be much stronger if not for their soft hearted personality... They are smart but if they don't change class c will replace them in a year or two...... If they can just think more strategically
They can definitely be on class A's under level.*

*as ayanokoji went to the chairmans office as ayanokoji sees the homeroom teachers of class d to class a*

Ayanokoji POV :*hm all of the homeroom teachers are here (class d) Chabashira-sensei (class c) kazuma Sakagami (class b) Chie Hoshinomiya and finally (class a) tomonari-sensei*

Mr sakayanagi : you must be wondering why all of the teachers are here Kiyotaka

Ayanokoji : yep. So why did you called me here chairman?

Mr sakayanagi : well I need your help

Ayanokoji : help for what?

Mr sakayanagi : I will need you to make a study group for each class that is ranging from physical to academical

Ayanokoji ; why me?

Mr sakayanagi : well abviously because your the best in the school in physical and academic and it would help for the schools growth

Ayanokoji : and why are the teachers here?

Mr sakayanagi : well so you can plan out when the study sessions are going to happen

Kazuma Sakagami : well it would be best if you teach class c at Monday becau-

Ayanokoji : no need to explain just tell me when and where

Kazuma Sakagami : well the library would be a bad choice so just their class room itself

Ayanokoji : as you wish sensei

Chei Hoshinomiya : well class b would be best at the library and I guess we can go for Tuesday

Ayanokoji : ok sensei

Tomanari Mashima : we can do Wednesday and it could be just your choice ayanokoji it could be the library or the classroom if you'd like

Ayanokoji : ok sensei no problem

Chabashira : well Thursday is the final and best option since you would have an awkward situation here and there class room is the best option

Ayanokoji : is that all chairman?

Mr sakayanagi : yep you all may leave and starting next week the study sessions will start

*as everyone leave*

Ayanokoji POV :*well I guess I won't need to do a study sessions today with the class a but next week....."sigh"*

*as the knowledge of ayanokoji becoming some like of a tutor for the classes of d to a while (class b) is delighted from the news (class c) knows that the encounter will be awkward since before the midterms ayanokoji and three class c students got in a fight while (class d) also had a feeling that this new encounter will be awkward but hopes that this study session will be a help for their academics as (class a) half is just mutual since they don't hate or like the idea since it'll be just a review but the other half was worried because of the news of having a physical test*

*ayanokoji decided to not go to class a for the day because he is feeling lazy and went back to his dorm and plans out what he will teach the different classes*

*ayanokoji pulled out a recorder*

Ayanokoji :ok so for class d...it'll be more on academic on the other students. While on Horikita and hirata I'll teach them leader ship with expert communication and socialism... As for class c. There physical is indeed amazing but they need to improve their academic and they do in fact have a horrible leader so in ryuen I need to compose a psychological test so he can be more of a good and understanding leader and not a controlling and arrogant leader. But his manipulation is a good trait. As for class b is the complete opposite they need a physical test and the academic test is already good so most of the study sessions will be composed of physical test and I need to do a psychological test to remove their kindhearted emotions and become more of a strategist... As for class a there isn't really anything to add but just to review and make them physically Better

*ayanokoji stopped the recorder*

Ayanokoji : that should be my main base for this study sessions oh well I'll take a break for now since it's Friday and I can plan out what I will do in three days

-posted on October 31 2023

Chapter 7

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