' The Suspiciousness '

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' So I'm Imposter? '

Jard POV : Bus

I woke up on the bus and it's stopped at the main base, I saw Bobo and Asana walk into the main base with Everyone. I yawned a little from waking up on this sh*t bus. Defect stood at the entrance of the bus and looked slightly worried and he returned to normal in 3 minutes wtf-

I walked into the base. At that moment, Bobo walked out and Defect walked up the stairs with Asana. I didn't care much because everyone wanted privacy. But why do I feel something strange about her??!?

I thought for a moment as I walked in the hallway. Suddenly I bumped into Defect.

" Ah, it's you Jard... " Defect said with a smooth expression...

" Where has she gone now? " I said but Defect made a confused expression " Don't be silly, She is tired and wants to rest in her room " " Alright, So.. where're you going? " I asked curiously with a calm expression " Trooper called me to meeting in the Main room And you have to go with me " " Seriously? " " Why, it not Joke "

" Ugh I'll meet you in the main room immediately, see ya " You walked out and go your room, 'What was the meeting about? ' You opened the door and saw Bobo walking from the room to greet you

" Hey Jard! What happened? Why did you come up to the room so late? " Nothing much Bobo, Just about the meeting " " Wait what?, Is it a meeting?!? " " *sigh* Defect says I have to go there. So you must stay here. They didn't invite You... " " Ok, Good luck :< "

You walked over to the bunk bedside table and put your fu*king sh*t bag down... I made a small decision and walked out of the room

' Stupid Meeting... '

Asana POV : Asana room
  I wake up from bed because the headache wasn't over, I walked to the bathroom in my room and looked in the mirror
" Why I don't look like human? .... Why?!? " You stared at the black-haired woman wear a suit and blocky body in the mirror, That's you right now. All the while your head is considering your body, Your head ached again but now It hurts like a volcano erupting!!! ' Ouch! it hurts so much... ' Your heart won't stop tremors. Like I said, there's nothing exciting here, I have a congenital disease?!?
You thought for a moment before drinking water from the tap and going outside to breathe in the fresh air...
You walked out of the front hallway and into a small garden, It was near an iron fence that was thick with barbed wire...

You walked there for a while when you heard a sound coming from the forest. where you are separated by a steel fence. The sound made my heart tremors almost like crazy, but the headache began to go away. The things in the forest began to make frightening noises. Make you interested it....
You try climbing that sh*t fence and walking into the forest. I swear this area is full of landmine and bear traps.

That's not sounds fun and now i have little panic... That roar was getting closer to me, I don't know what it is but it's getting louder and louder!!

Within minutes I walked to the source. I couldn't believe what I saw, It's...it's Munci... Eating some random guy.... I don't know why it's still here..

I was about to walk out of there with a flustered and panicked expression on my face but It's too late.
Munci was eating the dead man body and turned towards me with blood red eyes..... It charged running from 5 meters away without even waiting for me to shout or flee!!
' This is so bad, dammit. I finally died rn. ' i think in my head and wait for a foolish fate .... But?

After I stared at it, something changed, it looked calm and eyes change to be normal. It seemed friendlier and more docile than before. I don't know what happened with Munci but it's still look at me like a Leader
I continued to stare at it, confused by its strange reaction. But It did something that nearly gave me a heart attack!
" Not Robloxian, Not Player, Not NPC "
You didn't understand what it was saying, but it was strange for a Nextbot to say something like that, That's make you feel panic... ;ó﹏ó
" What exactly are you? " Munci ask and Look at me
Oh agghh ' Human ' isn't good idea to say with Danger Nextbot Maybe i can use other Ummm.... " Shooter? " Munci seemed to have processed what I said.. He seemed to understand the meaning " I am Munci, so what about you.. " " Asana is my name... "
" well wanna be friends? " he said " ugh i think that is- " You laugh with frown But Munci stare at you with sad face " ok-ok why not haha "
" Good "

' The Suspiciousness '

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