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Michael woke up in the middle of the night. His eyes latched onto the digital clock that was glowing throughout the dark room. It was 3:00 A.M.

He looked around, trying to see if anyone else was in the room with him. It was dark, but he could tell he was alone in the bedroom. He slowly got up, wincing due to the overall soreness his body was feeling.

He found his clothes littered on the floor, grabbing the pieces and putting them on. Once he had all his belongings he opened the door and ventured out of the room and downstairs.

He had all motive of leaving the house, but he stopped when he saw Calum leaned against the wall in front of the bottom of the stairs. Michael moved slowly down the stairs, keeping his eyes on the brown haired man.

"Where are you going?" Calum asked once Michael took the last step in front of him.

"Home. Andy will probably be worried about me."

Calum and Michael stayed in silence, staring at each other. There was something building within them, but none of them knew how to say it. Until one of them had to.

Michael finally took a step away from Calum, heading towards the front door.

"Don't go."

Michael suddenly stopped, turning around to look at Calum again.

"Don't leave." A new voice said.

Michael took in a deep breathe of air when he felt Ashton step behind him, pressing their bodies together.

"You belong here. With us. With killers." Luke said as he walked in, joining the group's moment.

"You said...this was just for Halloween?" Michael asked, looking between Luke and Calum in confusion.

"If you want us only for Halloween we'll accept it. We'll let you go and live your life without us. But remember...even though you won't see us, won't feel us, won't touch us...we'll always be there. Watching and waiting. You'll always be ours." Ashton said from behind him, placing a teasing kiss onto Michael's neck.

"We're utterly obsessed over you, Michael dear." Calum started, "We have been ever since we saw you the first day of Psy 384."

Michael felt a sudden jolt of realization of why he thought they looked so familiar. They were in the same class as him...they've always been there watching and waiting.

"We have and will continue to watch your every move. And we'll get rid of who we have to, to keep you ours." Luke added, moving closer to place his hand on Michael's cheek, "There is escaping us, but there's no getting rid of us. It's up to you."

"So, Michael dear, do you want to stay where you belong? Or do you want to go back?" Ashton asked.

The four men stood in silence. This was when their futures were going to be determined.

"How do you know about what I did?" Michael asked softly, still carrying his secret around like a dirty little bomb ready to go off. But somehow these three men knew...and they didn't care.

"A single mother loves her only child with everything she has. She's always done what she's had to, to protect him and to make sure that he's happy. That's what she did when we went to meet her and explained everything to her. That's what she did when she told us the truth about what happened that night..." Calum said.

Michael's eyes widened in shock, "She told you? Willingly?"

Calum simply nodded yes as his answer.

"She's never told anyone. She swore our secret to her grave."

"She wants you to be happy and safe. She knows that with us you will be."

"I...I don't know what to say."

"She told us everything. Her desires for you to live the life you want. How your secret has stopped you from thriving. There is no hiding with us, Michael dear, we know all of you and we're obsessed with you."

"Say it out loud. That's something you've never been able to do before. Tell us your secret." Ashton said after Calum was finished.

Michael's breathe hitched when he felt Ashton's hand snake down his body to start undoing his pants. He moved slowly and teasingly, waiting for Michael to obey.


"Michael, dear." Ashton hummed in return, moving his hand inside Michael's pants to start playing with the man he was obsessed with, "Say it."

"I..." Michael's breathe hitched against as Ashton snook his hand inside his underwear and started to move it against his skin up and down, "I...killed him."

"Who?" Luke grinned deviously, sharping grabbing Michael's cheek to make him look up at him, "Who did you kill?"

"My uncle...I killed my uncle. Shit, Ashton." Michael whined, pressing himself against the man.

"Why did you kill your uncle?" Calum asked.

"Because...Because he reminded me too much of my father. I wouldn't let him hurt my mom..."

"Come for me, Michael dear." Ashton hummed out, sharply biting onto Michael's ear and pulling. Michael shuddered from the high feeling, melting into Ashton's body.

"Michael Clifford..." Michael heard, looking up to see Luke's and Calum's glowing red eyes. His own eyes widened in confusion and shock.


"Now you're ours for eternity." Ashton said, gripping onto Michael sharp enough to make Michael wince in pain.

"We'll see you in Hell." Michael saw Calum pull out his knife and quickly walk up to him.

And then everything went black.

The End.


And I oop—

Okay so basically the three are demons from Hell, trying to get the sinful human they're obsessed with over to the other side

They lied about who they were, but they were truthful about their obsession over Michael. They needed him to confess to what he did before they killed him and sent him to Hell to live in eternity with them, even if they did technically manipulate him to do it

So this is technically a happy ending if you're okay with Michael living in Hell with three demons who are utterly obsessed over him and will continue to be through eternity ... and I think everyone is okay with this. I definitely am lmao

Sooo ... who saw that ending coming??


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