5 - Run

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5 - Run

Michael's heart was pounding.

It wouldn't stop as he started to process what was happening.

He was locked inside a dark room, one that he couldn't see inside at all other than the men's shadows. He had no idea who these three men were, but god...they were doing things to him and making him feel things that he never thought was possible.

But he couldn't focus on it when he felt the other two men continue their lustful actions. Michael thought it couldn't get any hotter after that, but now that he knew a third man was in there listening to his soft, desperate moans...god.

"I-I'm gonna—" Michael whined out, interrupting himself with his desperate sounds that only fueled the three men even more.

He was such a pretty little thing, desperate for them and their touches. They couldn't wait to destroy him for Halloween.

Michael felt one of the men put him back together by pulling up his underwear and pants, which made him slightly disappointed. Were they already done?

But then the lights suddenly switched on, making him both blush and narrow his eyes as he looked over the three men.

He was embarrassed now that the three men could see him. Being in the darkness had given him a false sense of security, like the three men wouldn't know who he was or what he looked like.

But now they could see his flushed, red skin that was budding in embarrassment and post-pleasure. But...he still couldn't see them.

The three men were in the light with him, but they had masks covering their faces. God this was totally in one of his books.

There in front of him stood Michael Myers, Jason, and Ghostface. He whined out when the new man that had entered, Ghostface, moved from the door to stand right in front of Michael.

He gasped out in panic when he saw the mystery man grab a knife from his waistband and place it against his neck, towering over him with his deadly mask.

"Was he a good boy for you two?" Ghostface asked darkly, Michael assumed to the others.

"As good as a slutty boy can get." The man with the Michael Myers mask hummed out, making Michael blush especially when he saw the man's wet hand. He was the one fingering him... That meant Jason had his mouth on him.

"It's my turn then." Ghostface hummed and Michael could hear his smirk.

"Who are you?" Michael tried to keep his voice steady, but his fear came out when the man started to slowly caress his neck with the knife.

"Your worst night, Michael dear." Ghostface said, still moving the skin across Michael's pale skin.

Michael winced when he felt a small cut on his neck, but he moaned out instead when Ghostface dropped the knife and used his finger instead to play with the blood that was starting to drip down his neck.

"Is this what you desire? Is this why your read your filthy little books?" Ghostface mused, playing with the blood while he talked, "Do you want to be hunted down by monsters only to be caught and fucked in return?"

Michael let out a soft, broken sigh when he heard the man's words and felt his finger mixing with his blood.

"Answer me." The man suddenly said darkly, digging his nail into Michael's cut.

"Yes! Yes..." He said brokenly, whining out from the pain.

Ghostface leaned in more if that was even possible. He stopped once their faces were right in front of one another.

"Run then, little monster. And don't stop once you're ready to be fucked in the night."


As you can tell this year's Halloween special is more of a spicy dark romance book compared to the previous ones. I hope you don't mind 😝


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