3 - Spooky

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3 - Spooky

Loud music was blasting through the dark frat house that Michael could barely navigate himself through.

The lights were turned off for that "spooky" vibe of Halloween with only Halloween lights on the walls and glow sticks to light the house up.

Michael narrowed his eyes unamused towards Andy, but all he got in return was an excited smile from his friend who referenced Michael to follow him. Andy instantly went to the kitchen, grabbing a red cup to fill up on alcohol. Michael shook his head when Andy offered him one, even though he probably should have at least one drink to calm the fuck down.

That's how the party started and in only half an hour, Michael found himself alone in the crowded party because Andy went off with Sarah. He sighed, knowing this was going to happen.

He didn't want to come to this party, but there he was standing awkwardly while he considered where he should go to read his book in peace. He looked around, going into a few different rooms to find a spot. But it was crowded. It was almost impossible to walk through the rooms with how many people there were inside.

He sighed out in relief once he entered an empty room, closing the door behind him and sitting down in a chair that was oddly placed in the middle of the room.

He couldn't tell what exactly this room was...It definitely seemed more on the bedroom side, since there was a bed and this chair. There was also a plain black dressed placed on the other side of the room across from the bed. There was also another door to the left of the bed, but he paid no mind to it. It was probably a bathroom.

But other than that there was nothing. No other furniture. No personal items. No clutter. A seemingly untouched room with no hints of personality.

He paid no mind to the unusual room, pulling out the book he slipped in the waistband of his jeans because Andy said he couldn't walk around with a book in his hand. He opened it up and started reading it, interested by the plot of the story.

It was a pretty short read. It was only a 213 page book, so he knew he could get through it during the night especially with how good it was after only the first three chapters.

"What the hell?" He whined out when the lights in the room suddenly went out. He looked around in the darkness, narrowing his eyes in confusion when he could still heard the booming music throughout the house and saw from the creaks of the door the light from the other room shining in.

Did only this room's lights go out?

He got up from the seat and to the door. His eyes narrowed in even more confusion when he grabbed the door knob and twisted it only for the door to remain shut. And locked. He was locked inside. He was locked inside a pitch black dark room where he couldn't see.

He sighed out, reaching to grab his phone in his back pocket. But he didn't feel it. He started to panic, desperately checking all his pockets for his phone. But there was no luck; he didn't have his phone on him.

Where did it go? He hasn't set it down anywhere. It would only disappear if...if someone took it.

"Calm down. Calm down. Calm down." He told himself. He was reading too many of his books and overreacting.

He kept trying to pull the door open, but there was no luck. He sighed out and started banging on the door.

"Hello? Can someone open the door?"

Michael jumped and turned around when he heard a sudden voice from within the room.

"No one can hear you, dear Michael."




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