Kirishima: Cool, proper hero work.

Kaminari: Sounds awesome.

Mina: Heck yea.

Aizawa: However... Due to the incident that happened this morning regarding the media, things will be different from here on.

Ojiro: Different how?

Aizawa: Good question Ojiro, you'll have three instructors. Me, All Might and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on your performance at an off-site facility.

Iida: I see, its to make sure nothing goes wrong during our training?

Aizawa: Correct Iida, The principal believed this was the best way to keep you guys safe without causing to much change to your training.Now get your hero costumes on and meet at the front, we will be taking a bus to get their.

Each student grabs their individual costume cases and changes into their hero costumes before making there way to the bus

Iida: Everyone, I want you all to be lined by in a single file line, then board the bus in an appropriate manner!!!

Kirishima: But the bus is big enough for two lines Iida

Iida reacts in shock and frustration at himself

Mizuki: What do you guys think the third teacher is going to be?

Katsuki: I just hope this training is good

As he said that he turned his head to avoid the stare that Mizuki was giving him, 'Oh so now you wanna talk to me?'

The bus travels for what seems to be forty five minutes with each students sitting with their respective groups

Tsu: So Mizuki, I wanted to ask you a question

Mizuki: Oh, sure Asui... whats up

Tsu: Call me tsu

Mizuki: Oh... ok

Tsu: Your quirk, it seems similar to All Might in a way

Mizuki: Oh really?! I mean, I guess all strength quirks sort of work the same

Kirishima: Yea that kind of makes sense...

Aizawa: Hey hey, we're here.Stop messing around.

The Class arrives at the UA facility and make their way towards the dome shaped building

???: Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you

Everyone begins to drop there jaws in awe.

Mizuki: It's the space hero, Thirteen!The chivalrous hero who has saved hundred of people across the world!

Uraraka: OMG, its actually 13, she's one of my favorite heroes!

Thirteen: I can't wait to show you what's inside.

Everybody: This is gonna be awesome!

The class enter the building

Kirishima: Holy crap! This place looks like an amusement park!

Thirteen: A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm etc.I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters.I call it, the Unforseen Simulation Joint, but you can just call it USJ.

Everybody: *Just like Universal Studios Japan*

Aizawa: Hey shouldn't All Might be here already?Let me guess he booked an interview instead.

Thirteen: Actually, it's something else.Apparently he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and used up all his power.He's resting in the teachers lounge.

Aizawa: That man is the height of irresponsibility.'Oh well should be fine with just the two of us'Clocks ticking, we should get started.

Thirteen: Excellent, before we begin, let me just say one thingWell, maybe two things, possibly three, four or five

Everybody: we get it!

Thirteen: Listen carefully, I'm sure that you're aware that I have a powerful quirk.It's called black hole, I can use it to suck up anything and turn it to dust.

Mizuki: Yeah, you've used your quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters haven't you?

Thirteen: That's true, but my quirk could also be used very easily to kill.Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous.In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified an regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be.Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly.Even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone.Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests you have been made aware of the potential your quirk have And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers may actually be when used against other people so Carry those lessons over to this class, today, you're going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives.You won't be using your powers to attack enemies, only to help.After all, that's what being a hero is all about.Ensuring the safety of others. That's all I have to say.Thank you so much for listening.

The students begin to cheer.

Kirishima: Hey, um can I ask a question Thirteen

Thirteen: Sure thing young man, go ahead.

Kirishima: If we aren't going to use our quirks to attack people, then...

He points to the bottom of the stairs

Kirishima: Then what's going on down their?

Thirteen: What do you mean?

Both Thirteen and Aizawa turn around to see a purple mist looking circle, hovering in front of the fountain as The lights begin to turn off as the USJ begins to darken, The purple mist circle expanding until...

Aizawa: Stay together, and don't move!

Thirteen! Protect the students!

Kirishima look on

Kirishima: Woah! who the heck are they?!Has the training started already?!

He begins to move forward

Aizawa: Stay back!!

Saying this as He dawns his goggles.

Aizawa: This is real!Those are villains!

The class display a look of shock on their faces as they look on in fear.They weren't their to rescue anyone anymore.They had a new mission...


Chapter End

IZUKU KING OF CURSESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon