Oct. 27, 563

137 7 0

Vladikovo is my home—-dark and foggy does it lay; every rotting bit of the forest fills with the smell of decay.

    Vladikovo is the very place I dwell—-even though, at most times it truly resembles hell.

    The creatures of the night cause a such big fright.

    Blood continues to drip down the windows at the darkest hour, never once washed away by a heavy nightly shower.

    Soon may the savior raise, during the darkest of days—-centuries in future he will come, glorious songs will he hum.

     A devil he might be, but then we will truly be free!

    He'll vanquish the evil angel, hopefully this will be fatal.

    Long away will Perseus rot, with not as much as lay on a cot.

     Far, far will Perseus go—-a triumphant end to that foe.

      A devil may the savior be, but then Vladikovo will truly be free!

~Wyola Sobol, Oct. 27, 563

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