Oct. 12, 1652

145 8 0

Vladikovo, Ukraine—-an absolute enigma. Mystery after mystery is all this place seems to promise.

    I came to Vladikovo originally to gain inspiration… I am a painter after all.

    I wanted to see the rolling hills and mountains and the way the sunlight crept around them even at the sun's lowest hour.

     I thought seeing something that grand would leave me awestruck…

     But that's not all I saw.

     I set out into the thick woods, looking for a perfect vantage point to paint to my heart's content.

     Farther in the woods, did I trek.

     I came across a mutilated deer corpse.

    I decided to turn around and head back into town after witnessing such a horrendous sight.

     Then, from the dark heart of the woods, I heard a deathly shriek.

    I have never ran so quick in all of my life.

   I made it back into town only to gather my belongings and flee.

    Never shall I ever return to that wretched town of Vladikovo.

~Alberico Amesiania, Oct. 12, 1652

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