Oct. 9, 1459

149 11 5

Recently, I've taken departure to the land in the east they've deemed 'Vladikovo'. I had gone originally to study the flora and fauna of the region to gain a general consensus of the terrain and what it could house.

     The cool, autumn winds surely did welcome me when I made it into Vladikovo—-as did the lack of people.

    Sure, I've seen plenty of villages with low populous numbers—-typically twenty or so—-but never as low as this peculiar 'Vladikovo'. Vladikovo must've had a standing population of two or so people all year around.

     Of course—-as many well educated people do—-I had plenty of thoughts on the topic. Namely, what was wrong with this place to conjure up such a low turnout? The weather? The wildlife far too vicious? Were there diseases in the area that made it so goddamn unlivable?

     As of my third night in Vladikovo, I felt like something was watching me—-stalking and lurking. I didn't feel alone. This made my blood most definitely freeze.

     I write this passage now from what I hope is the safety of my rented cabin. And yes, must I admit that I'm… terrified of sleeping tonight.

~Francis de LeGuord, Oct. 9, 1459

Veil of Vladikovo ✓ (BxB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora